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FSH: Lincoln rolls from the 20's

Nice original barber halves;
1896-O Fine SOLD
1901-O Fine+ SOLD

I have the following solid date Lincoln Cent rolls, good to fine, approx 90% are nice problem free coins. Please PM if you need pics. From a group of 1200 solid date Lincoln rolls, supposedly pulled from circulation in the 50's and 60's. Interestingly, there were lots of teens with S mint marks, but very few in the mid-twenties with mint marks.
1925-D $22;
1926-D $27 each (I have 4 rolls);
1927-D $27

Nice original 1913-S, Barber Dime PCGS-30, SOLD.

Lustrous 1928-D, Buffalo Nickel PCGS-64, SOLD.


Raw barber quarters, see pics below:
1898 VF30, nice original SOLD;
1900 VF20, uneven look SOLD;
1907 VF35, good look SOLD;
1907-S VF20, decent SOLD.

Thanks for looking.......Vern
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.


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