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SEEKING a few U.S. Mint Medals and non-Mint medals

I'm seeking these US Mint medals for my "New England Area" medal collection:

Julian AM-33, Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, seeking any awarded in 1837 or 1839.
Julian AM-73, Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture, John Scott's Premium; either awarded or plain.
Julian AM-13 and AM-14, both are Connecticut State Agricultural Society medals, awarded or plain, any metal.
Julian AM-17, Franklin Institute, seeking any awarded prior to 1840.

Not US Mint medals, but also seeking:

American Institute medal by Furst (1830-1838), preferably bronze.
New York Mechanics Institute by Furst.
Fairfield County (Connecticut) Agricultural Society (~1880's)
Hartford County (Connecticut) Agricultural Society (~1840's)

I'm willing to pay above normal "retail" pricing for these. Please let me know what you have available!


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