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62 Days Left, Please Help !

I have 62 days till I turn 15 and 1/2. That is when I can take my temps test & start taking driving lessons. Driving classes at the near by place is $350 all together right now I have about $50 towards it. Please look at my site and LMK what you want I need money. Looking to sell no less then $10 worth, But will.



  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    cost me a total of $230...i get my 6 hours of lessons next week image gl shane!
  • DerrickDerrick Posts: 4,287 ✭✭
    Why take classes? Just a waste of money. All you need to do is practice. Practice makes damn near perfect. image
  • Class is a waste of money. I use to drive my uncle's car to school (of course he's in the passenger seat) and he drives the car back home. Best thing to do is find an empty parking lot and just drive around it to get use to the car. Maybe in a shopping center on Sunday when everything is closed.
  • derrick, you're really wrong...

    that's what i thought at first too, but my parents simply wouldn't take me on a big freeway.. the first day of driving lessons i went on Sunset Highway, one of the biggest ones around... going like 65 all of a sudden.. heh

    plus, once i'm done with this, i will save about 40% on driving insurance!! that's not bad at all if you ask me..
    I NEED 01-02 RCs of ZACH RANDOLPH!!

    Ebay ID: mysteryman152

    "Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

    eat this, nikobe
  • They want me to take classes.
  • Driving lessons dont make that much of a difference....It's a proven fact that 99.9% of us wreck our 1st car anyway when we turn 16...I did,all my friends did,my brother did, my sister did..You get your first car and you load up your buds and take em' out cruising...You focus ion getting the stereo volume just right..You driving pose just cool enough and checking out the chicks and CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
    My Site Basketball Onlyimage
  • very true ai, but hey, it does lower insurance image

    my brother had to pay $70 a month compared to about $120 that he would have had to if not for drivers ed..

    btw, my friend got his license (on the 3rd try.. lol) ,. and on the 3rd day he got in a wreck.. well he scratched someone's car while backing up from a parking space. lol
    I NEED 01-02 RCs of ZACH RANDOLPH!!

    Ebay ID: mysteryman152

    "Kid, get off me! Go back to school"

    eat this, nikobe

  • << <i>my brother had to pay $70 a month compared to about $120 that he would have had to if not for drivers ed.. >>

    haha sux for you guys, you have to pay for drivers ed? its free for us
  • Do you have any basketball game used BigShane?
  • Only Football Game Used
  • damn we could take a class in school for $55. our state requires that u take a class before you can get your permit and then wait 6 months before you can get ur license(really gay!) then we have a 9 month period were u can only have 1 person in the vehicle with u and u cant get any tickets or it gets extended. Wisconsin sux!
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