Teletrade's 26th Anniversary Auction is Now Online!!! Over 6,500 coins/currency to Bid on!

****Attention Valued Forum Members****
Teletrade's 26th Anniversary Auction is now online!!
When: December 16th and 17th
Auctions 3399 and 3400
Time: Place Max Bids Now--Auctions Goes Live 3:00pm-10:00pm ET
Buyers Incentives:
1. Double the Gold Rewards for every dollar spent!
2. Free Shipping on all purchases over $2500
3. Automatic enrollment in our MS 63 Morgan Dollar Giveaway
4. All buyers who purchase over $10,000 get a free certified MS 65 Peace dollar
Auction 3399
1163-1901 1C PF 65 RD NGC
1643-1884 5C PR65CAM PCGS CAC RPD FS-301
1655-1893 5C PR67+DCAM PCGS CAC
1668- 1912 5C PR67CAM CAC
1843-1863 H10C PF 64 CAMEO NGC
1864-1885 10C PR67 PCGS CAC
2122-1899 25C PF 68 NGC
2149-1918-D 25C MS67FH PCGS-Just Having Fun Collection
2151-1918-S 25C MS66FH PCGS CAC
2172-1927-S 25C MS67+ PCGS CAC
2429-1859-S 50C MS68 PCGS CAC
2439-1873 50C PR63CAM PCGS No Arrows, Closed 3
3079-1800 S$1 VF25 NGC
3093-1872 S$1 PF 65 CAMEO NGC
3190-1880 8/7 CC S$1 MS 63* Top-100 Vam-5 High 7
3205-1880-S S$1 MS 66 NGC-Rainbow
3218-1881-S S$1 MS63 PCGS-Rainbow
3945-1911-D $2.5 MS 63 NGC
4009-1883-CC $20 XF 45 NGC
4027-2006-W $50 PF 70 NGC-Reverse Proof-20th Anniversary
Many coins will go unreserved! View all coins now at
Teletrade Staff
Teletrade's 26th Anniversary Auction is now online!!
When: December 16th and 17th
Auctions 3399 and 3400
Time: Place Max Bids Now--Auctions Goes Live 3:00pm-10:00pm ET
Buyers Incentives:
1. Double the Gold Rewards for every dollar spent!
2. Free Shipping on all purchases over $2500
3. Automatic enrollment in our MS 63 Morgan Dollar Giveaway
4. All buyers who purchase over $10,000 get a free certified MS 65 Peace dollar
Auction 3399
1163-1901 1C PF 65 RD NGC
1643-1884 5C PR65CAM PCGS CAC RPD FS-301
1655-1893 5C PR67+DCAM PCGS CAC
1668- 1912 5C PR67CAM CAC
1843-1863 H10C PF 64 CAMEO NGC
1864-1885 10C PR67 PCGS CAC
2122-1899 25C PF 68 NGC
2149-1918-D 25C MS67FH PCGS-Just Having Fun Collection
2151-1918-S 25C MS66FH PCGS CAC
2172-1927-S 25C MS67+ PCGS CAC
2429-1859-S 50C MS68 PCGS CAC
2439-1873 50C PR63CAM PCGS No Arrows, Closed 3
3079-1800 S$1 VF25 NGC
3093-1872 S$1 PF 65 CAMEO NGC
3190-1880 8/7 CC S$1 MS 63* Top-100 Vam-5 High 7
3205-1880-S S$1 MS 66 NGC-Rainbow
3218-1881-S S$1 MS63 PCGS-Rainbow
3945-1911-D $2.5 MS 63 NGC
4009-1883-CC $20 XF 45 NGC
4027-2006-W $50 PF 70 NGC-Reverse Proof-20th Anniversary
Many coins will go unreserved! View all coins now at
Teletrade Staff
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
<< <i>Wrong forum >>
You are correct, but your post will be ignored. Teletrade has started previous threads in the past that were SPAM and there have apparently been no repercussions. No doubt in a few months there will be more SPAM.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Essentially 11% vs. 17 1/2% buyers' fees the way I see it. Nothing wrong with saving 6 1/2% on a large purchase. Good job Teletrade!
Now stop spamming!
Let's just agree to call a spade a spade, shall we. The Teletrade user account exists for the sole purpose of publicizing Teletrade on the PCGS boards or for defending or clarifying positions or policies of Teletrade. The people behind this user account do not care at all about the "valued forum members" outside of obtaining consignments or selling product. If they want to ignore the board policies to push a commercial then fine, but please dont pi$$ down my back and tell me it's raining.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
<< <i>Mitch, you must be tired of lecturing Teletrade to stop the SPAM on the boards by now. After all, in February 2011 you agreed that their thread was pure SPAM and asked that we give them the benefit of the doubt while again in February 2012 you stated that their newest thread was SPAM and belonged in the BST in the future.
Let's just agree to call a spade a spade, shall we. The Teletrade user account exists for the sole purpose of publicizing Teletrade on the PCGS boards or for defending or clarifying positions or policies of Teletrade. The people behind this user account do not care at all about the "valued forum members" outside of obtaining consignments or selling product. If they want to ignore the board policies to push a commercial then fine, but please dont pi$$ down my back and tell me it's raining. >>
Excellent points Tom, with one minor correction.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Not to mention that at the time Teletrade did this today, there was, once again, an attack on their auctions going on right on page #1 of this forum. A board member suggested they were a "dumping ground" for reject coins of Stacks/Bowers. Interestingly, the timing of this post was concurrent with those assertions. I believe had Teletrade posted that list of coins directly onto the other thread including the details of the auction the coins were in, no one would have complained. This list would clearly demonstrate that suggesting Teletrade is a "dumping ground" for Stacks/Bowers unwanted coins is entirely disingenuous. Tom... I am with you on the form over substance nature of this posting here vs. elsewhere. But, I point out again, that had Teletrade posted a thoughtful reply to the "dumping ground" assertion on that other thread on page 1 they could have most likely included the lion's share of the details contained herein and most board members might have considered it a fair response under those circumstances.
As for the reasons behind Teletrade having an account here on the boards, I certainly hope many or all of the reasons you enunciated are those very reasons. They are not a "not for profit ministry" or some other charitable organization. OK ... maybe I would like them to post about the Christmas party they just held as they seem to treat their employees very well. Perhaps Martin Paul from their sister company can also stop by here from time to time as I love reading his reviews of hotels and restaurants on Not to mention that if you stop by Teletrade now right in their Lobby they sell wine, but they also just started selling beer including "Damnation" from the "Russian River Brewing Co." This is one of the greatest breweries in the WORLD. I was just there earlier in the week (up in Sonoma) as part of a business trip to the bay area . Their "claim to Fame" is "Pliny The Elder" ... hands down the greatest beer I have ever drank. For those who do not know about Pliny ... just take a minute and google about it (including its well deserved 100 rating). Mr. Braddick ... I do not recall if you are a beer lover, but, if you are, next time you are in Orange County and have some time for a beer, drop me a line and we can meet and I can pour you a bottle of Pliny. They are near impossible to purchase here in S. CA (without an amazing amount of trouble).
OK ... I digressed ... but I would sure like someone from Teletrade to discuss their great new beer offerings at their offices in addition to "defending and clarifying" their positions. :;
Edited to add: Check out this Youtube video on Pliny ... "The Famous - "The Pliny the Elder Song" official music video (HD)"
<< <i>I'd never heard or read it phrased as you have linked, but no doubt that is in use, too. >>
The pizz down muh laig version has been pretty much standard AFAIK.
8 Reales Madness Collection
You hit the nail on the head! About 30% of the great coins listed in this very thread by Teletrade are my consignments for my customers. I could have just as easily posted a thread reporting about the cool Teletrade auction coming up ... "innocently" just as many others announce the auctions of their favorite venues and no one ever cares. For that matter, a customer of mine could have done the same thing about their coins. Indeed, both my customer and myself could have just as easily started (2) separate threads and if crafted "properly"would have been perfectly acceptable threads for this board. Hence, my previous comment about "form over substance".
But, once again, I come back to the point that these infrequent posts by Teletrade are often on the heels of other threads on these boards where Teletrade is under fire for this or that concurrently.
<< <i>The only difference between Teletrade and Legend / Heritage / Great Collections / Carr / etc... is that Teletrade posts directly without using their fanboys to do it for them. >>
I'm being a bit playful as really, I have no dog in this fight (and Teletrade has always done right by me), but there is a fine distinction within the above quote- even if it was true- that makes all the difference.
It is not accurate though as each firm mentioned has had those directly related to their enterprise post favorably on their behave here.
It would be pleasant and somewhat refreshing if member Teletrade began a thread, "****Attention Valued Forum Members**** and discussed anything other than self-promotion. Anything coin related.
Then, once they've established that we are all 'valued forum members' to them via a bit of sweat equity in investing in this forum, if they popped in with a, "Teletrade's 26th Anniversary Auction is now online!!" thread, there would less ruffling of the feathers of these valued forum members, I'd think.
All kidding aside ... you never answered my question here if you are a beer drinker?
Any true collector wants all the info he/she can get about coins for sale!
You complainers need to get a life and stop worrying about threads!
If you want to stop anything.....STOP THE BULLION THREADS!!!!
<< <i>Good job teletrade.....keep the info coming! It's not spam to me!
Any true collector wants all the info he/she can get about coins for sale!
You complainers need to get a life and stop worrying about threads!
If you want to stop anything.....STOP THE BULLION THREADS!!!! >>
Irony alert!!
Member complaining about other members complaining!!
Mitch- having been raised LDS, alcohol didn't touch my lips until I was in my late 30's (well, outside of that one time in college but 80 hours of community service took care of that incident).
I have the liver of a twenty year old and do now, on that rare occasion (read: really anytime it suites me) will indulge in a taste of liquid amber.
The beer you suggest sound simply delightful and my thirst, and yours, shall be quenched upon another visit with you.
(First round on me. The proceeding five rounds on you.)
For the "Wrong Forum" crowd......................wah wah wah!
Its not like Teletrade is constantly flooding the forums with SPAM posts. Besides, if the moderators wanted to, they could simply delete the post. It would keep the sobbing to a minimum.
The name is LEE!
***Attention Valued Coin Forum Members***
To make up for this terrible mistake I have made posting in this incorrect forum, the first five Teletrade customers to call my office line at 1.800.949.2646 ext 259 will get 5% off up to $50 in this weekends 26th Anniversary Sale Auctions 3399 and 3400! I will be here for the next hour, our office lines are closed but just dial my extension.
<< <i>Once Again...
***Attention Valued Coin Forum Members***
To make up for this terrible mistake I have made posting in this incorrect forum, the first five Teletrade customers to call my office line at 1.800.949.2646 ext 259 will get 5% off up to $50 in this weekends 26th Anniversary Sale Auctions 3399 and 3400! I will be here for the next hour, our office lines are closed but just dial my extension.
Corey >>
Thanks alot Corey!
<< <i>This is a nice gesture by Corey. Good to see he can make the best out of something that was irritating to others. >>
<< <i>That was an easy $50 phone call. Thanks Corey!
Wondercoin >>
I'm buying in both auctions.
I agree.
So you buy a $1,000 coin in this sale and you get 5% off (for those Corey confirmed here), about 2% additional value (to me) to use my credit card and "double points" (worth about 2%) ... looks like about 9% off that $1,000 auction purchase ($90 back in "cash and prizes"). Hey, I can take the Ms. out tonight to dinner with all of my "coin savings"!
When my wife shops (and she is a great shopper) she always tells me about "how much money I saved today". Tonight, it is my turn to tell her how much money I saved buying coins.
Teletrade did an INCREDIBLE job handling my coins yesterday. We even sold a "four figure" Philippine coin ... first ever this year!!
Keep up the great work Corey, Cheryl & Brian!!!