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WTB an 1861 dime

not just any 1861, im looking for the one in the top left corner.

regardless of how many posts I have, I don't consider myself an "expert" at anything


  • seateddimeseateddime Posts: 6,180 ✭✭✭
    top middle is a bogo
    I seldom check PM's but do check emails often jason@seated.org

    Buying top quality Seated Dimes in Gem BU and Proof.

    Buying great coins - monster eye appeal only.
  • ebaybuyerebaybuyer Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭
    i know the top left surely is fake, the one you mention may well be too, ive known about that auction for a week and a half, then on game day i planned to be on it... well, uninvited guests always stay longer than expected, and it slipped my mind. i wouldnt be surprised if half the coins in the lot are fake.
    regardless of how many posts I have, I don't consider myself an "expert" at anything
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