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Anyone have interst in doing trades? US Paper Money Errors!

I have an accumulation of US paper notes, about 50 errors to include misprints, shifted prints, missing first/second/third prints, mismatched serial numbers, butterfly folds, minor/major offsets on denominations $1-100. If your interested please let me know.
WTB... errors, New Orleans gold, and circulated 20th key date coins!


  • Collecting Grand Rapids, Michigan Nationals all denominations, series, and types as well as obsoletes.

    Please PM me with any available for sale.
  • hello seen your add any interest in a ch cu 1988-A one dollar federal reserve web note rolled digit error( last digit) block Gp5/8 have any interest make me a fair offer very rare unique note?
  • 2ltdjorn2ltdjorn Posts: 2,329 ✭✭✭✭
    can you send me a pic?
    WTB... errors, New Orleans gold, and circulated 20th key date coins!
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