FSH: My new young adult coin thriller about 1964 Peace dollar

It's called CARTWHEEL—A SEQUEL TO DOUBLE EAGLE, and as the title suggests, it is a sequel to my popular novel, DOUBLE EAGLE. CARTWHEEL picks up two years later, when the same boys who discovered an unknown Confederate $20 gold piece in an old fort in Alabama set off to find a 1964 Peace dollar in Denver. In writing the book, I had the help of several Forum members including Daniel Carr and Roger Burdette, author of A Guide Book of Peace Dollars. I also did a lot of original research, traveling to Denver and interviewing a press operator who actually worked on the minting of the 1964 Peace dollar. Any kid or adult who is into coins, fast cars, and history will love it.
The book is in the warehouse, but has not yet officially been released. If you would like an autographed copy, however, just send me a check for $20, made out to "Sneed Collard" at P.O. Box 8507, Missoula, MT, 59807.
Be sure to include a note with your address and the first name(s) only of whom you would liked it autographed to. Think "Christmas Present"
Oh, and please PM me if you've ordered one, so I know it's coming.
Publisher's Website and Plot Description
The book is in the warehouse, but has not yet officially been released. If you would like an autographed copy, however, just send me a check for $20, made out to "Sneed Collard" at P.O. Box 8507, Missoula, MT, 59807.
Be sure to include a note with your address and the first name(s) only of whom you would liked it autographed to. Think "Christmas Present"

Oh, and please PM me if you've ordered one, so I know it's coming.
Publisher's Website and Plot Description
Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010
We still joke about the character Linda Garcon, aka the "sex goddess". Don't worry, it's not that kind of book.