Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

Superb Type & Foreign

I have a small assortment of coins listed below.  Shipping and insurance are paid for by me and all items may be returned within a one week (7-day) period for complete refund.  Payment accepted by personal, bank or business check or money order, USPS money order and PayPal options.  I prefer to avoid the use of PayPal with the fees that are associated with this option, but if it is required please let me know.  Any questions may be asked within the thread or sent to me via PM or to my email address of tbush@tbnumismatics.com.  Thank you for your time.
Additionally, at this time I am also offering an advanced notice email option whereby you may receive descriptions and prices of all new purchases after each major show or, in the event that a larger purchase is made between shows, as soon as I have a nice group of coins.  Simply send me a PM with your email address or send an email requesting to be placed on the advanced notice list.  I will not hammer you with emails or a sales pitch; only the occasional update to my site.  Lastly, if you would like to read more frequent updates as to my business, you may want to follow or "like" me on Facebook.
1) 1840 Seated Liberty Half-Dime No Drapery PCGS AU55
It’s pretty darn rare for me to describe a coin as being perfect, but from time-to-time a coin deserves the accolade.  This is one of those times.  A thick, undisturbed, dusty skin sits atop both sides of this little gem while original mint frost can be seen peeking out from beneath the patina.  Another dealer noticed this coin and stated to me “This is how they should ALL look”.  Yea, verily.  SOLD
2) 1843 Seated Liberty Dime PCGS AU50
I would have graded this coin slightly higher than AU50, but that is truly splitting hairs.  The surfaces are completely original with medium-depth toning and original mint frost showing around the raised devices.  Though the date is considered essentially a generic to most folks, it is quite uncommon to find such nicely preserved pieces from the mid-1840s.  ON HOLD
3) 1875-S Twenty-Cent Piece PCGS VF35
Twenty-cent pieces are a cool as all get-out denomination and this piece does not disappoint.  It is a very high end VF, which looks like an EF, and is completely original with dirt, debris and gunk still adhered to the surfaces.  This weathering gives the coin a deep, rich color that is a pleasure to behold.  $225.00
4) 1826 Capped Bust Half Dollar PCGS EF45
Very deeply and evenly toned in what at first glance appears to be a slate grey, but upon closer examination hints of navy and rose pop out.  A choice coin in every way that still retains some dirt stuck to the eagle and shield on the reverse.   $295.00
5) 1892 Columbian Half Dollar PCGS MS63
The grade of MS63 seems so horrible for the classic commemorative series, doesn’t it?  In this case, there is no horror at all.  The obverse of this coin has medium-depth plum and gold with a dramatic ring of color along the rim while the reverse is decidedly different with blazing navy and aqua.  There is one heck of a lot of coin here and the grade was likely given because the luster does not pop out, but is rather subdued.  Nonetheless, there is great eye appeal and boatloads (pun intended) of wonderful color here.  SOLD
6) 1922-D Peace Dollar PCGS MS64 OGH
This coin is really quite pleasant.  At first glance it might appear untoned, but closer examination shows that it has a thick, somewhat hazy skin on both sides as well as a hint of color along the rim on both obverse and reverse.  While this coin is not for everyone, it retains great eye appeal.  $119.00
7) 1912 EB Russian Rouble PCGS AU58
Absolutely wonderful rings of color melt into one another from the rims to the centers of both sides of this Russian rouble.  There is some high point flatness that may be due to strike and/or wear, but there are no other noticeable defects or abrasions on the coin.  This is a superb coin for the grade.  $975.00
8) 1837-NG BA Central American Republic 8R PCGS AU58
This is a wildly popular type coin reminiscent of the Vermont Landscape colonial issues.  The obverse is exceptionally well struck while the reverse looks to be somewhat convex, though still stuck up.  It also appears that the coin might have been PL at the time of issue.  This is one of the few pieces that I have ever carried that has been dipped in the past, but the design plus the still lively surfaces make it an exception.  $1,895.00
Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson



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