Typically, how many color tints on printing plates?
I recently picked up my first printing plate (a 2012 Topps Archive Ruth) here: Link. Out of curiosity, does anyone know, typically how many different color printing plates are needed for a card, and which colors? I have seen magenta, yellow, and cyan, but was wondering if there were others? Thanks!
technically, black is not needed, but is used to sharpen the printed images...
Lou Gehrig Master Set
Non-Registry Collection
Game Used Cards Collection
Before economical off-set printing - I think it started in the 30s? - the chromolithograph process in cards - like T206s e.g. - used many more plates/colors to produce their final product.
I've read where some used 12 or more colors - just imagine how tough it was to keep registration when using 20 or 25 plates/stones?