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One book left: Charlotte Mint Gold by D. Winters HOLD

most of these are used and with paper or card covers, unless noted otherwise. May have some writing in them. Also they may be older editions than is currently available. I'm just cleaning house here, folks. I will ship in an envelope via media mail unless you need them quicker and safer.

"Charlotte Mint Gold Coins 1838-1861" by Douglas Winter. 1987. five dollarsON HOLD

the following are on hold or sold:

"A Guide to Civil War Store Care Tokens" by George and Melvin Fuld. 1962.
"The 1776 Continental Currency Coinage Varieties of the Fugio Cent" by Eric P. Newman. 1982.
"Variety Identification Manual for United States Reeded Edge Half Dollars 1836*1839" by Jules Reiver. 1988. (yes, this is first edition, not a photocopy)
"Edgar H Adams' Plates of Lyman H Low's Hard Times Tokens" -- still wrapped in shrink wrap, so I can't tell you the year of publication. Spiral bound. Seven dollars.
"California Gold Dollars, Half Dollars, Quarter Dollars" by Kenneth W Lee. Autographed by author. 1970. Hard cover. Six Dollars.


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