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Help with Ceeco silver president art bar

Found a Ceeco 1 ounce silver art bar with Goldwater and Johnson on it. I found it when cleaning out a large Victorian home for an estate auction at the end of October. Believe it or not, it was found behind a microwave in the kitchen. Can anyone give me some information? Might just send it to the auction with some other coins or keep it. Were other art bars made for presidential races or do I have a freak of nature?


  • Smeyer23,

    I looked in my Archie Kidd silver art bar guidebooks (4th edition and 2009 "red book") and found that bar. It is a "Johnson-Goldwater" bar that was minted in 1973. The fact that it was minted in 1973 is not surprising to me because most of the Ceeco Mint bars listed in the guidebooks were minted in either 1973 or 1974 with a few exceptions. The guidebook also lists the mintage at 7,500. Based on mintage number only it is a common silver art bar, however, I have not seen a Ceeco Mint Presidential bar at the LCS or at any of the coin shows that I attended in the past. With a mintage number of 7500, I would expect to eventually see that "Johnson-Goldwater" bar or any of the other Presidential race themed Ceeco bars at a coin show or at the LCS in the future. There are also 15 other Ceeco Mint "Presidential Race" bars listed in my guidebooks. The other Ceeco Mint Presidential Race bars listed in the guidebooks are the following:

    1. Harding - Cox

    2. Garfield - Hancck

    3. Harrison - Van Buren

    4. Cleveland - Blaine

    5. Franklin Roosevelt - Wendell Wilke

    6. Adams - Jackson

    7. John Tyler

    8. Hoover-Smith

    9. Chester - Authur

    10. Franklin Roosevelt - Hoover

    11. Coolidge - Davis

    12. Franklin Roosevelt - Dewey

    13. Franklin Roosevelt - Landon

    14. Eisenhower - Stevenson

    15. Nixon - Kennedy

    There were several other private mints that produced silver art bars of past Presidents in the 1970's but I believe that the Ceeco Mint was the only private mint back then that made bars that are of the actual Presidential Race themes. Most of the Ceeco Mint bars that I have seen in the past and that are well known among serious silver art bar collectors are the holiday-themed enameled silver art bars. I see a lot more of those than I do of the Presidential race themed bars.
    DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a '70's silver art bar expert but I try my best to play one on the Internet.
  • Thanks, for the great update on this series of art bars.
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