HK-299a R10 Louisiana Purchase Expo Official Souvenir SCD in Gold

I was reading RYK's Brief Silver Dollar Coin Show Report and got interested in learning more about the Louisiana Purchase SCD after @RYK showed off his newp.
HK mentions that only one was struck in gold (HK-299a) according to the January 1911 issue of "The Numismatist," page 5. Is the current owner and any sale history known for that piece?
Here's one in silver for reference:
HK mentions that only one was struck in gold (HK-299a) according to the January 1911 issue of "The Numismatist," page 5. Is the current owner and any sale history known for that piece?
Here's one in silver for reference:

Thanks to the Newman Numismatic Portal, HathiTrust and Google, old issues of The Numismatist are now digitized. Here's the note on the gold version of this medal, HK-299a.
Looks like this is pedigreed to: George H. Webber (commissioned piece) and H. O. Granberg of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Of note, H.O. Granberg was chairman of the Board of Governors of the American Numismatic Association.
It would be great to not only see the medal, but also the original note that came with it from the U.S. Mint!
Here are a couple of candidates for this George H. Webber:
It's also worth noting the Mint Exhibit official that wrote the letter is H.J. Slaker. It looks like he worked at the Assay Office in New York.
H.J. Slaker wrote the following article in The Scientific American for August 23, 1913
Buying and Selling Silver and Gold: The Scientific Side of the Assay Office at New York
Here's a thread for this article:
He may also be Harrison Joseph Slaker of The Cove, Ossining, Westchester, New York:
H.O. Granberg's collection was cataloged by Max Mehl. I wonder if this piece is in the catalog?
Collection of United States Coins of Mr. H. O. Granberg, Oshkosh, Wisconsin: To Be Sold at Auction Monday, July 14, 1913
The catalog is available on Amazon:
What's interesting is that we have more info on the gold pieces in the new book by Jeff @SoCalledGuy and Bill @Bsktmkr. Along with the statement from H.J. Slacker above, we have:
So, did H.J. Slacker get his information wrong? Or were the 10 gold pieces struck before or after the fair?
Has anyone seen a gold specimen?