Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

Silver and Doilies and CAC OH MY

GOOD EVENING CAPTIVE AUDIENCE....gonna list some coins with prices...hopefully you can find a picture of said coins in the link
in additon I offer 2 whitman liberty half books with 24 different dated circulated liberty halfs for $350 a mixed roll of 20 half dollars 10 of which will be uncirculated franklins for $255 and a lot of 11 morgans/1 peace dollar for $400


Group Shot

you may notice all coins are not yet priced..thats because I find this exhausting so we are done for now......chumley
1883 O MS63 Doily Gold CAC $350 SOLD 1946 s walker SOLD roll of 20 halfs SOLD silver panda SOLD 1917 liberty half SOLD

1900 O MS63 CAC $100

1925 Lexington CAC $250

San Diago MS65 CAC $250

1899 O MS62 $80

1886 MS61 Doily CAC $250

1902 O MS64 CAC $125

1885 O MS64 CAC $125


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