How does one determine rarity of vintage boxes?

I've seen so many listed on eBay. Some that say rarest of the rare. Other that list the supposed top 5 boxes, etc. Where is this information at? I thought it would be in the NSB, and I bought that book, but no go. Thanks...
Late 60's and early to mid 70's non-sports
Thanks for the repsonse. I guess the ones I am mostly interested in (and I don't even know if some exist) are: Elvis (bubbles 1956), the Brady Bunch, Outer Limits, Gilligan Island, Addams Family, and Three Stooges (1959 Fleer).
Or full boxes?
I have only brandy bunch full box on planet.
Also empty display box
I have a pack of each outer limits gai 8 pop 1 of 1 Elvis gai 9 mint topps. Gilligans island gai 8.5 pop 1 of 1. Addams gai 7 near mint. Brady brady bunch gai 7.5 under graded. I know these exist as there in my collection and in my eBay store for sale. I had 59 stooges wax sold out.
Be careful buying raw wax as over 50 percent of sports and pop-culture aka non sports wax packs and cello have been tampered with. Now sold on eBay BEWARE lot of revealed garbage floating around on eBay.
Love and laughter ,
Late 60's and early to mid 70's non-sports
Love and laughter,