Completely updated world coins for sale list -Over 100 coins added 11/3- Please take a look!

This is my "World Coins for Sale thread". I will update this daily so please take a look once in awhile. If there's anything that catches your eye please send me a PM, also if you'd like pictures of anything not imaged yet. Multiple references available. Prices include insured shipping except for bargain box items. Payment by money order or personal check (needs to clear). I can accept paypal but do not prefer it except for small amounts. Offers on any of these pieces are welcome. Picture requests for items not yet pictured are welcome through PM.
Your want list is welcomed!
Updated 11/3/2012 -Over 100 coins added-
-in alphabetical order
-Australia, 1/2 Penny 1943 Bombay Mint (AU) and Melbourne Mint (XF). Nice pair. $10
-Great-Britain, Penny 1949. Nice Red-Brown Unc. $10
-Great-Britain 1897 Half Crown XF+ $45.00 Nice!
-Spain, 10 Centimo 1959 Proof. One-year type. $5.
DENNIS' BARGAIN BOX (most coins under $10, all $30 or less)
These are Krause Prices. Under $50 add $3 shipping, above $50 shipping is free. Take 10% off any purchase over $100 when paid with a postal money order. Offers on any of these are welcome. Take one or take them all!
(I'm still in the process of getting all these listed so please check back once in awhile)
Country Date Denomination Variety Grade Price Comments
Argentina 1958 10 Centavos BU+ $0.50
Australia 1922 Half Penny Fine $0.50
Australia 1962(m) Three Pence Gem BU $5.00
Austria 1951 10 Groschen XF+ $1.00
Austria 1965 10 Groschen AU $1.00
Barbados 1974FM Cent PF $2.00 Nice Toning
Barbados 1974FM 5 Cents PF $1.50
Barbados 1974FM 10 Cents PF $2.00
Barbados 1974FM 25 Cents PF $5.00 Nice Toning
Barbados 1974FM 25 Cents PF $2.50 Virtually untoned
Barbados 1974FM Dollar PF $3.00
Barbados 1974FM 2 Dollars PF $6.00
Belgian Congo 1930 Franc VF+ $3.00 Cleaned
Belgium 1927 50 Centime AU $3.00
Belgium 1944 2 Francs AU $3.00
Belgium 1948 5 Francs French Legend VF+ $5.00
Bhutan 1975 5 Chetrums BU+ $0.50
British Honduras 1945 5 Cents VF+ $5.00
British West Africa 1939 Shilling VF+ $2.00
Canada-Upper 1857 Half Penny Token Fine + $15.00
Canada-Upper 1909 Cent VF $4.00
Canada 1967 Cent Specimen $1.00
Canada 1901 5 Cents Fine + $8.00
Canada 1912 5 Cents XF $10.00
Canada 1919 5 Cents XF $9.00
Canada 1880 10 Cents VG $18.00
Canada 1905 10 Cents VG $8.00 Filler
Canada 1909 10 Cents Victorian leaves VF $20.00 Good eye-appeal
Canada 1881-H 25 Cents VG $30.00
Canada 1912 25 Cents F/VF $18.00
China 1982 2 Fen UNC $1.00
China 1995 Yuan BU+ $2.00
Costa Rica 1936 5 Centimos VF $2.00
Denmark 1965 Krone UNC $7.00
Finland 1963 Penni BU $2.00
France 1918 5 Centimes XF $2.00
France 1918 10 Centimes AU+ $2.00
France 1918 10 Centimes AU $2.00
France 1903 25 Centimes VF+ $1.50
France 1905 25 Centimes XF $3.50
France 1918 25 Centimes XF+ $2.00
France 1944 50 Centimes XF $2.50
France 1922 Franc VF/XF $1.00
France 1927 Franc Fine + $1.00
France 1945 Franc XF/AU $1.00 Nice Luster
France 1973 Franc Gem BU $0.75
Germany-Empire 1911-F 10 Pfennig XF $3.00
Germany-Empire 1915-A 10 Pfennig XF+ $3.00
Germany-Third Reich 1936-A 5 Mark AU $20.00
Germany-West 1950-F 10 Pfennig AU/UNC $2.00
Germany-West 1949-G 50 Pfennig VF+ $1.00
Germany-West 1968-G 50 Pfennig UNC $12.00
Germany-DDR 1956-A Mark XF $3.00
Great-Britain 1943 Farthing AU $2.50 80% red
Great-Britain 1944 Farthing AU/UNC $4.00 90% red
Great-Britain 1956 Farthing BU $8.00
Great-Britain 1885 6 Pence F $10.00
Great-Britain 1947 6 Pence VF+ $1.00
Great-Britain 1854 Shilling F Det. $22.00 Ex-Jewelry
Great-Britain 1960 Shilling AU $4.00
Great-Britain 1963 Florin UNC $4.00
Great-Britain 1897 Half Crown XF+ $45.00 Nice!
Great-Britain 1966 Half Crown UNC $3.00
Greece 1967 Drachma UNC $5.00
Greece 1966 5 Drachmai XF $1.00
Honduras 1958 20 Centavos UNC+ $10.00 Near-Gem
Hong Kong 1938 10 Cents AU+ $5.00
Hong Kong 1973 Dollar UNC $4.00
India 1940(b) Quarter Anna VF $1.00
India 1965(b) 10 Paise Gem BU $5.00
Indonesia 1974 5 Rupia Gem BU $0.50
Ireland 1967 6 Pence UNC $3.00
Ireland 1964 Shilling UNC $2.50
Ireland 1964 Half Crown XF $2.00
Italy 1955 5 Lire UNC $2.00
Italy 1954R 50 Lire F/VF $3.00
Italy 1957R 100 Lire XF $4.00
Italy 1981R 200 Lire UNC $2.00
Japan Yr. 40 (1965) 50 Yen BU $2.00
Japan Yr. 40 (1965) 100 Yen XF $3.00
Japan Yr. 42 (1967) 100 Yen AU+ $3.00
Luxembourg 1971 5 Francs UNC $0.75
Macau 1983(p) Pataca AU $4.00
Malaya 1939 10 Cents BU $10.00
Mexico 1946Mo Centavo UNC $1.00 RB
Mexico 1950Mo 25 Centavos VF/XF $1.50
Mexico 1975Mo 50 Centavos No Dots BU $1.00
Mexico 1976Mo 5 Pesos Large Date Unc+ $1.50
Mexico 1985Mo 5 Pesos BU $0.50
Mexico 2010Mo 5 Pesos Leona Virario BU $2.00
Morocco AH1371 (1952) 10 Francs AU $3.00
Netherlands 1925 Cent VF+ $1.75
Netherlands 1972 5 Cent Unc+ $3.00 RB
New-Zealand 1957 Shilling XF $8.00
Norway 1927 10 Ore VF $18.00 Scarce
Norway 1937 10 Ore XF $6.00
Norway 1927 25 Ore VF+ $2.00
Norway 1925 Krone VF $3.00
Russia 1984 15 Kopek BU $1.00
South-Africa 1943 Half Penny VF+ $1.00
South-Korea 4292 (1959) 50 Hwan AU+ $5.00
South-Korea 4292 (1959) 100 Hwan AU/UNC $15.00
South-Korea 1973 50 Won AU/UNC $15.00
South-Korea 1975 100 Won BU $3.00 Dancers
South-Vietnam 1953(a) 10 Su AU $3.00
South-Vietnam 1964 10 Dong AU $2.00
Spain 1966 (72) 50 Centimes PF $5.00
Spain 1953 (56) Peseta UNC+ $8.00
Spain 1966 (69) Peseta BU $1.50
Spain 1966 (70) Peseta BU $3.00
Spain 1957 (69) 25 Pesetas UNC $2.00
Sweden 1966 5 Ore AU $0.50
Sweden 1964 25 Ore UNC $2.50
Sweden 1966 Krona BU $5.00
Switzerland 1958B Rappen BU $3.00
Switzerland 1958B 2 Rappen BU $5.00
Switzerland 1958B 5 Rappen Gem BU $12.00 Nice
Switzerland 1960B 1/2 Franc Gem BU $7.00 Wow! Lustrous
Switzerland 1968 Franc Unc+ $4.00
Many more coming soon..
Thanks for looking,
Your want list is welcomed!
Updated 11/3/2012 -Over 100 coins added-
-in alphabetical order
-Australia, 1/2 Penny 1943 Bombay Mint (AU) and Melbourne Mint (XF). Nice pair. $10
-Great-Britain, Penny 1949. Nice Red-Brown Unc. $10
-Great-Britain 1897 Half Crown XF+ $45.00 Nice!
-Spain, 10 Centimo 1959 Proof. One-year type. $5.
DENNIS' BARGAIN BOX (most coins under $10, all $30 or less)
These are Krause Prices. Under $50 add $3 shipping, above $50 shipping is free. Take 10% off any purchase over $100 when paid with a postal money order. Offers on any of these are welcome. Take one or take them all!
(I'm still in the process of getting all these listed so please check back once in awhile)
Country Date Denomination Variety Grade Price Comments
Argentina 1958 10 Centavos BU+ $0.50
Australia 1922 Half Penny Fine $0.50
Australia 1962(m) Three Pence Gem BU $5.00
Austria 1951 10 Groschen XF+ $1.00
Austria 1965 10 Groschen AU $1.00
Barbados 1974FM Cent PF $2.00 Nice Toning
Barbados 1974FM 5 Cents PF $1.50
Barbados 1974FM 10 Cents PF $2.00
Barbados 1974FM 25 Cents PF $5.00 Nice Toning
Barbados 1974FM 25 Cents PF $2.50 Virtually untoned
Barbados 1974FM Dollar PF $3.00
Barbados 1974FM 2 Dollars PF $6.00
Belgian Congo 1930 Franc VF+ $3.00 Cleaned
Belgium 1927 50 Centime AU $3.00
Belgium 1944 2 Francs AU $3.00
Belgium 1948 5 Francs French Legend VF+ $5.00
Bhutan 1975 5 Chetrums BU+ $0.50
British Honduras 1945 5 Cents VF+ $5.00
British West Africa 1939 Shilling VF+ $2.00
Canada-Upper 1857 Half Penny Token Fine + $15.00
Canada-Upper 1909 Cent VF $4.00
Canada 1967 Cent Specimen $1.00
Canada 1901 5 Cents Fine + $8.00
Canada 1912 5 Cents XF $10.00
Canada 1919 5 Cents XF $9.00
Canada 1880 10 Cents VG $18.00
Canada 1905 10 Cents VG $8.00 Filler
Canada 1909 10 Cents Victorian leaves VF $20.00 Good eye-appeal
Canada 1881-H 25 Cents VG $30.00
Canada 1912 25 Cents F/VF $18.00
China 1982 2 Fen UNC $1.00
China 1995 Yuan BU+ $2.00
Costa Rica 1936 5 Centimos VF $2.00
Denmark 1965 Krone UNC $7.00
Finland 1963 Penni BU $2.00
France 1918 5 Centimes XF $2.00
France 1918 10 Centimes AU+ $2.00
France 1918 10 Centimes AU $2.00
France 1903 25 Centimes VF+ $1.50
France 1905 25 Centimes XF $3.50
France 1918 25 Centimes XF+ $2.00
France 1944 50 Centimes XF $2.50
France 1922 Franc VF/XF $1.00
France 1927 Franc Fine + $1.00
France 1945 Franc XF/AU $1.00 Nice Luster
France 1973 Franc Gem BU $0.75
Germany-Empire 1911-F 10 Pfennig XF $3.00
Germany-Empire 1915-A 10 Pfennig XF+ $3.00
Germany-Third Reich 1936-A 5 Mark AU $20.00
Germany-West 1950-F 10 Pfennig AU/UNC $2.00
Germany-West 1949-G 50 Pfennig VF+ $1.00
Germany-West 1968-G 50 Pfennig UNC $12.00
Germany-DDR 1956-A Mark XF $3.00
Great-Britain 1943 Farthing AU $2.50 80% red
Great-Britain 1944 Farthing AU/UNC $4.00 90% red
Great-Britain 1956 Farthing BU $8.00
Great-Britain 1885 6 Pence F $10.00
Great-Britain 1947 6 Pence VF+ $1.00
Great-Britain 1854 Shilling F Det. $22.00 Ex-Jewelry
Great-Britain 1960 Shilling AU $4.00
Great-Britain 1963 Florin UNC $4.00
Great-Britain 1897 Half Crown XF+ $45.00 Nice!
Great-Britain 1966 Half Crown UNC $3.00
Greece 1967 Drachma UNC $5.00
Greece 1966 5 Drachmai XF $1.00
Honduras 1958 20 Centavos UNC+ $10.00 Near-Gem
Hong Kong 1938 10 Cents AU+ $5.00
Hong Kong 1973 Dollar UNC $4.00
India 1940(b) Quarter Anna VF $1.00
India 1965(b) 10 Paise Gem BU $5.00
Indonesia 1974 5 Rupia Gem BU $0.50
Ireland 1967 6 Pence UNC $3.00
Ireland 1964 Shilling UNC $2.50
Ireland 1964 Half Crown XF $2.00
Italy 1955 5 Lire UNC $2.00
Italy 1954R 50 Lire F/VF $3.00
Italy 1957R 100 Lire XF $4.00
Italy 1981R 200 Lire UNC $2.00
Japan Yr. 40 (1965) 50 Yen BU $2.00
Japan Yr. 40 (1965) 100 Yen XF $3.00
Japan Yr. 42 (1967) 100 Yen AU+ $3.00
Luxembourg 1971 5 Francs UNC $0.75
Macau 1983(p) Pataca AU $4.00
Malaya 1939 10 Cents BU $10.00
Mexico 1946Mo Centavo UNC $1.00 RB
Mexico 1950Mo 25 Centavos VF/XF $1.50
Mexico 1975Mo 50 Centavos No Dots BU $1.00
Mexico 1976Mo 5 Pesos Large Date Unc+ $1.50
Mexico 1985Mo 5 Pesos BU $0.50
Mexico 2010Mo 5 Pesos Leona Virario BU $2.00
Morocco AH1371 (1952) 10 Francs AU $3.00
Netherlands 1925 Cent VF+ $1.75
Netherlands 1972 5 Cent Unc+ $3.00 RB
New-Zealand 1957 Shilling XF $8.00
Norway 1927 10 Ore VF $18.00 Scarce
Norway 1937 10 Ore XF $6.00
Norway 1927 25 Ore VF+ $2.00
Norway 1925 Krone VF $3.00
Russia 1984 15 Kopek BU $1.00
South-Africa 1943 Half Penny VF+ $1.00
South-Korea 4292 (1959) 50 Hwan AU+ $5.00
South-Korea 4292 (1959) 100 Hwan AU/UNC $15.00
South-Korea 1973 50 Won AU/UNC $15.00
South-Korea 1975 100 Won BU $3.00 Dancers
South-Vietnam 1953(a) 10 Su AU $3.00
South-Vietnam 1964 10 Dong AU $2.00
Spain 1966 (72) 50 Centimes PF $5.00
Spain 1953 (56) Peseta UNC+ $8.00
Spain 1966 (69) Peseta BU $1.50
Spain 1966 (70) Peseta BU $3.00
Spain 1957 (69) 25 Pesetas UNC $2.00
Sweden 1966 5 Ore AU $0.50
Sweden 1964 25 Ore UNC $2.50
Sweden 1966 Krona BU $5.00
Switzerland 1958B Rappen BU $3.00
Switzerland 1958B 2 Rappen BU $5.00
Switzerland 1958B 5 Rappen Gem BU $12.00 Nice
Switzerland 1960B 1/2 Franc Gem BU $7.00 Wow! Lustrous
Switzerland 1968 Franc Unc+ $4.00
Many more coming soon..
Thanks for looking,
Pictures should be up in a few days.
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