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bsdcoins pre long beach inventory

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1894 $1 ms63 cac ngc 4750
1893 s $1 xf40 ngc 6900
1891 cc $1 ms63 pcgs 610
1882 cc $1 ms66 ngc 825
1881 cc $1 ms66 ngc 1040
1881 s $1 ms67 cac ngc 635
1846 o $1 ms61 ngc 7000
1799 $1 vf20 pcgs 2050
1926 sesqui $2.50 ms65 pcgs 1950
1925 d $2.50 ms62 cac ngc 435
1905 $2.50 ms63 cac ngc 675
1901 $2.50 pf63 cam ngc 5000
1836 $2.50 au58 ngc 1675
1855 $3 ms63 ngc 6150
1868 s $5 au58 ngc 4850
1926 $10 ms63 ngc 1100
1928 $20 ms66 cac pcgs 3800
1908 no motto $20 ms67 cac ngc 11250
1908 no motto $20 ms67 pcgs 6700
1942 10c pf67 cac ngc 315
1942 10c pr67 pcgs 315
1821 10c au55 ngc 750
1904 1c pf63 rd cac ngc 375
1852 1c ms66 rb ngc 1350
1877 25c pr64 ngc 975
1838 25c vf35 cac pcgs 265
1941 50c ms67 cac ngc 575
1941 50c ms67 ngc 475
1941 50c pf65 ngc 450
1937 roanoke 50c ms68 ngc 3650
1894 50c pf67 cac ngc 6900
1874 G$1 ms65 ngc 1525
1862 G$1 ms61 cac ngc 665
1855 type 2 G$1 xf45 ngc 350
may the fonz be with you...always...
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