Expos and Conventions are pretty synonymous and hover somewhere in between conferences and trade shows. My personal, professional opinion is that some conventions are simply providing a meeting place while I would say MOST Expos are driven by people who are very invested in the industry and want to both educate and actively promote the marketplace aspect.
Now for a serious response: Very interesting, thanks for your perspective! I've never exhibited, but I have attended many MANY conventions, expos and conferences. I've spoken on a panel a few times. I'm actually at a convention right now, LOL. I always leave feeling educated, but the method varies.
At conferences, the speakers educate me on sometimes abstract topics with often motivational or positive messages. I go home ready to work! At expos, the sales and marketing reps educate me on their products, often new and upcoming, and I go home carrying tons of business cards and takeaway swag. Conventions are different, usually a combination of vendors and conference-style panels, but I agree they definitely provide a meeting space. Networking, more specifically. Coin shows - like the ANA's World Fair - are often labelled as conventions but I liken them more to trade shows because it's all about buying and selling (and mostly between vendors, in my experience).
I only attended one real trade show, Summer NAMM (nat'l assoc. of music merchants) and I felt very out of place. Almost like going to a career fair with no resume I wasn't buying, and I wasn't selling. Coin dealers would call that a "tire kicker" but I had a great time and saw some AMAZING products.
Very interesting perspective. Thanks for sharing. I love going to Expos and coming away with swag! What topics do you speak about when at conventions? Sounds like you have a varied range of interests and hobbies.
So sorry for not replying sooner. I "subscribed" to this thread and yet, never realized I left you hanging until just now! Anyway, to answer your question...
I'm a musician by trade, so the topics I have spoken about [on panels] have been music-related.
I really have a limited range of interests and few hobbies. Music is my first love, and career. Numismatics is my #1 hobby.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
My inquiry was genuine but I'll admit spontaneous. Saw an empty board, took action!
Count padding is just an excuse because it's awkward starting the first thread.
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
Conferences educate
Trade shows provide a marketplace
Expos and Conventions are pretty synonymous and hover somewhere in between conferences and trade shows. My personal, professional opinion is that some conventions are simply providing a meeting place while I would say MOST Expos are driven by people who are very invested in the industry and want to both educate and actively promote the marketplace aspect.
Very interesting, thanks for your perspective! I've never exhibited, but I have attended many MANY conventions, expos and conferences. I've spoken on a panel a few times. I'm actually at a convention right now, LOL. I always leave feeling educated, but the method varies.
At conferences, the speakers educate me on sometimes abstract topics with often motivational or positive messages. I go home ready to work!
At expos, the sales and marketing reps educate me on their products, often new and upcoming, and I go home carrying tons of business cards and takeaway swag.
Conventions are different, usually a combination of vendors and conference-style panels, but I agree they definitely provide a meeting space. Networking, more specifically. Coin shows - like the ANA's World Fair - are often labelled as conventions but I liken them more to trade shows because it's all about buying and selling (and mostly between vendors, in my experience).
I only attended one real trade show, Summer NAMM (nat'l assoc. of music merchants) and I felt very out of place. Almost like going to a career fair with no resume
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE
So sorry for not replying sooner. I "subscribed" to this thread and yet, never realized I left you hanging until just now! Anyway, to answer your question...
I'm a musician by trade, so the topics I have spoken about [on panels] have been music-related.
I really have a limited range of interests and few hobbies. Music is my first love, and career. Numismatics is my #1 hobby.
Amat Colligendo Focum
Top 10 • FOR SALE