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marcmoishmarcmoish Posts: 6,292 ✭✭✭✭✭
Holy cow - I almost missed this sheeees - Goldberg's is selling Gary's (RIP) Jerusalem collection of Palestine mandate coins - I believe all are in PCGS holders and a few are finest known examples.
This is like 160 lots of the entire set plus duplicates - dunno if I would have chosen Goldberg's for this but I do love there pictures - always have - but go figure I couldn't even find it under their index - I wonder if anyone knows about this sale altogether - (and the lot index is wrong whatever..)
I don't see any other info mentioned so for those that are interested gary has been collecting these for some 30 years and all of these where graded in one shot last year when he loaded the set into the PCGS registry. I helped him with a few of the later additions but I wish he was here to PLUG his set himselfimage
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