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Has this ever happened to you???

Has another person given you a trade offer and you say yes and they never respond to you? You try to contact them again and they don't respond and if they do they say they don't have enough time and they would hold the cards for you. When you contact them again they say oops I forgot and I already traded a cards. To me that is a crock of sh!t to leave somebody hanging!!!


Has anybody had a mutual agreement to hold the cards they want and you hold the cards they want and to finish a trade later and when you talk to them next time they either trade the cards they promised to hold for you or they claim they forgot and trade the cards. To me that is very irritating and makes me think twice about trading with that person ever again.
Clearandvalid Tradelist

Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
GU: 11 and counting

Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
GU: 6 and counting

Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others


  • TTT
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
  • Yeah that has happened to me a lot. I'm sure it's happened to everybody who has been trading for a while.
  • TTT
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
  • SkiVermont3SkiVermont3 Posts: 3,053 ✭✭
    yeah its happened...im sure theres something you wanna get off your chest, so just tell us who dicked you around...
  • I'am not going to tell the name of who did this because that is between me and them. I'll just say it was a respected trader on the board. This is just my personal rant of frustration and anger.
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
  • ::note to self-don't ask Clearandvalid to hold any cards for you.:: image


    {Chief Morningbrew}

    me and my brother
  • ::note to all I will hold cards for you.:: image
    Clearandvalid Tradelist

    Wantlist: V. Carter, Pierce, good basketball rookies and game used.

    Vince Carter RCs: 52.6% Done
    GU: 11 and counting

    Paul Pierce RCs: 63.2% Done
    GU: 6 and counting

    Refs: JRCCRUM, Kenny21, Tvoter, JSA, woodson24kg, mpsteelerfan and others
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