A Registry of Die Varieties of Reeded Edge Half Dollars 1836-1839

I am pleased to let members of the boards know that there is a new book on Reeded Edge half dollars and it should be ready to be sold at the Philadelphia ANA in August. This is the first comprehensive treatment of the Reeded Edge half dollar series to examine all known die marriages as well as to shed light on the history and critically evaluate the aesthetics and recorded mintages. The title is A Registry of Die Varieties of Reeded Edge Half Dollars 1836-1839 and it was written by our own HalfCollector with my contribution being the Introduction. Some details of the book are listed on my website, but they will be listed here, too-
* A 30-page, fully referenced Introduction that discusses the underlying Congressional legislative acts important to the creation of the Reeded Edge half dollar series; contemporary US Mint technology; the aesthetics of the resultant coinage and a critical analysis of mintage figures.
* Pages for obverse and reverse identification terminology; year date reviews; die linkage flow charts and more.
* Each known die marriage is described in detail with large, quality images, visual pick up points and anecdotal experiences.
* Approximately 170-pages in length devoted to the Reeded Edge half dollar series.
As mentioned, the target date for sales and shipping to commence coincides with the Philadelphia ANA show in August, 2012. More details will be added on my website (Thomas Bush Numismatics) and on my Facebook page. Please PM or email me (tbush@tbnumismatics.com) for any other information or to reserve a book. Those few who have already sent an email or PM to reserve a copy do not need to do so again. The price should be $65 plus $5 shipping, if needed. If ordered through me, payment may be made by check, money order, cash (if paid in person) or PayPal. However, I prefer to avoid the use of PayPal due to the fees. Thank you.
The last draft of the book was spiral bound and I expect the final book to also be spiral bound. Below is the last draft of the cover as well as the last draft of the Table of Contents. Please note that both of these are simply scans-

* A 30-page, fully referenced Introduction that discusses the underlying Congressional legislative acts important to the creation of the Reeded Edge half dollar series; contemporary US Mint technology; the aesthetics of the resultant coinage and a critical analysis of mintage figures.
* Pages for obverse and reverse identification terminology; year date reviews; die linkage flow charts and more.
* Each known die marriage is described in detail with large, quality images, visual pick up points and anecdotal experiences.
* Approximately 170-pages in length devoted to the Reeded Edge half dollar series.
As mentioned, the target date for sales and shipping to commence coincides with the Philadelphia ANA show in August, 2012. More details will be added on my website (Thomas Bush Numismatics) and on my Facebook page. Please PM or email me (tbush@tbnumismatics.com) for any other information or to reserve a book. Those few who have already sent an email or PM to reserve a copy do not need to do so again. The price should be $65 plus $5 shipping, if needed. If ordered through me, payment may be made by check, money order, cash (if paid in person) or PayPal. However, I prefer to avoid the use of PayPal due to the fees. Thank you.
The last draft of the book was spiral bound and I expect the final book to also be spiral bound. Below is the last draft of the cover as well as the last draft of the Table of Contents. Please note that both of these are simply scans-

In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Coin's for sale/trade.
Tom Pilitowski
US Rare Coin Investments