
General B/S/T Terms & Notes: PM me for more details -
Coins above will all ship at my expense.
Coins over $1K will be mailed via USPS Registered Mail Insured -or- Next Day Air Insured.
Coins less then $1K will be mailed via 1st Class USPS Mail Insured w/ Delivery Confirmation.
Payment Options = USPS or Bank Money Order, Cashiers Check, Personal Check, E Check, & Paypal (no fee % up-charge).
Trades at times depending on if of interest to me may be considered.
All Checks must clear prior to shipment.
7 Day full refund minus any associated shipping charges.

Extended terms available if your Piggy Bank is skinny, or hurt and healing

As I can also offer extended 30-60-90 day terms, 1/3 down, no refund on layaway option.
A Reasonable Offer May Be Accepted on some items... the Key Word is Reasonable.
Full detailed in hand description on any of the items below along with larger images available at request.
I'd greatly appreciate that posting of your most recent acquisition purchased from me on any forum board isn't done until the ink on the check is dry and you've happily received it.
I place a "On Hold" for three days max without a deposit on any item for members I've never dealt with, however if after this time period complete lack of responsive communication occurs, I reserve the right to offer the item to another active member.
Many Thanx in Advance!

49thStateofMind, 777, a039, adamlaneus, agentjim007, acloco, Ahrensdad, AnkurJ, ArizonaJack, astrorat, ASUtodd, Barndog, BBN, BBQnBLUES, beartracks42, bestclser1, Blackhawk, blu62vette, Bootleg55, braddick, brokenCC, bstat1020, bsshog40, Cameonut, CarlWohlforth, Casey, chaze215, claychaser, cohodk, coindeuce, Coinerww2, coinlieutenant, CoinRaritiesOnline, ColonialCoinUnion, CommemDude, commoncents05, coinpictures, coinsarefun, cucamongacoin, dantheman984, Dave99B, dcarr, deltadimeman, DeusExMachina, disruptek, dizzyfoxx, DONNYJF, drddm, Dropdaflag, dunerlaw, EagleEye, etexmike, erickso1, exposer, Fairlaneman, FilthyBroke, firstmint, FredWeinberg, gecko109, Gerard, GoldenEyeNumismatics, guitarwes, Harry779, harvey85422458, holeinone1972, illini420, InYHWHWeTrust, Jamericon, jimbux61, Jimscoins, jhdfla, joconnor, Jobessi, jom, Julian, kaz, keepdachange, keets, kieferscoins, kyleknap, Lakesammman, lasvegasteddy, lordmarcovan, LRCTom, LeeG, LindeDad, LotsoLuck, lunytune2, MarkJude, messydesk, metalmeister, MFH, mgoodm3, MICHAELDIXON, MisterTicToc, mkman123, Moonbiter, mommam17, monsterman, morgantype, MrEureka, mrearlygold, mustanggt, Nocerino18, Numismatticadotcom, OffMetal, OnlyGoldIsMoney, Oreol, oreville, PawPaul, PonyExpress8, PQMorgans, PreTurb, ProofCents, pursuitofliberty, QuarterCollector, questor54, RaginsteveK, RG, RickMilauskas, ricko, richardshipp, RKKay, rld14, Ronyahski, RTS, RyGuy, rwyarmch, savoyspecial, SeaEagleCoins, seanq, SeattleSlammer, segoja, silvereagle, SilverEagles92, SLQ, Smittys, SNMAN, SomeGuyFromMichigan, soty27, Southcounty, SpaceMonkey, stephunter, SullivanNumismatics, Swampboy, Tdec1000, thebigeng, theboz11, Timbuk3, TJM965, TomB, twodrhrdtp, tydye, WaterSport, wayneherndon, whatsu, yellowkid, Youngcoin15, zas107, zeebob.
(Your Name Here!)

To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
I love the proof set - but I really enjoyed seeing the 1916 SLQ -
as a young teen ager - I would have fainted dead away if I ever
found a coin like that roll searching !
Nice coins - all of them - looking forward to handling the 1892 set
in person.
OBTW - how much for the Skinny Piggy Bank ?
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>That proof set is stunning. Phew!!! >>
You can say that again !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
TTT for a friend who needs a good week off !
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>