Why do I suck at detecting?
I have a garrett 350 and I thought I would be hitting home-runs by now. So far all I've found are some old oil cans, and a few penny's. Do I have a cheap detector?
Lafayette Grading Set
It sounds to me like you've got an all-too-common case of impatience. And I don't blame you. I myself- and probably everyone, for that matter- is subject to it. 'Tis only human nature. I still fight with it.
Those treasures can be frustratingly elusive and everybody has long dry spells between those home runs. If you're relatively new to the hobby, that's especially true. Sometimes you just have to wait for that magical intersection of your practice and luck coming together just right. It's a tricky thing because skill and luck are both big factors in this hobby, and it is never as easy as other people make it look.
It took me more than a year with my old GTA-500 before I found much of anything. But that first 19th century silver coin hooked me for life and told me that I really could do it. You just need similar encouragement, but Lady Luck plays hard to get sometimes. Give 'er time, by being persistent, and she'll come around.
I agree with the other posters here, play around with pocket change and get a feel for what it can do before you do a serious hunt.
<< <i>Nothing wrong with the GTA-350. I watched a novice friend of mine take a 350 I was selling him and dig an 1863 Indian cent at about four or five inches in a park I'd hammered with my GTA-500. (Which got me, 'cause I have YET to dig a copper-nickel cent, to this day!) He also popped a 1935 Walking Liberty half right out from under my nose in the house of the yard we were staying in at the time.
It sounds to me like you've got an all-too-common case of impatience. And I don't blame you. I myself- and probably everyone, for that matter- is subject to it. 'Tis only human nature. I still fight with it.
Those treasures can be frustratingly elusive and everybody has long dry spells between those home runs. If you're relatively new to the hobby, that's especially true. Sometimes you just have to wait for that magical intersection of your practice and luck coming together just right. It's a tricky thing because skill and luck are both big factors in this hobby, and it is never as easy as other people make it look.
It took me more than a year with my old GTA-500 before I found much of anything. But that first 19th century silver coin hooked me for life and told me that I really could do it. You just need similar encouragement, but Lady Luck plays hard to get sometimes. Give 'er time, by being persistent, and she'll come around.
My last detector is a Garrett, don't even recall the model because I bought it back in 1977, and saddly no-longer works, I spent many hours days and years searching and found lots of coins and stuff, but the main thing I did learn was to use a good set of headphones and learn the difference in the sound and pitch of the signals.
To me it was never about the value or whatever item I found it was all about the time spent out in just searching.
Enjoy the hobby, and hope that we all find that one item that gives us great memories and a story to tell.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.<< <i>I too experienced the same frustration! I found out about detecting it takes a lot more than just collecting coins is '' P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E " !!! >>
that does work wonders in this hobby
Just slow down!
And be patient, ya never know.
From two weeks ago:
BHNC #203
also silver:
You won't hit good stuff every time out, just have fun & enjoy.
BHNC #203