WTB - 90% junk at 20 X face shipped

Buying US 90% junk at 20.25 x face shipped
This offer stands while silver spot is atleast $27.00
Conditions need to be no less then average circulated, but a small number of more worn, damaged, heavily polished coins will be considered
Most preferred (in decent condition):
-.50 1964 Kennedy
-.50 Franklin
-.25 1940-1964 Washington
-.10 Roosevelt
Will consider (in decent condition):
-.50 Walking Liberty
-.10 Mercury
Absolutely no:
-war nickles
-40% Kennedy's (1965-70)
-Barber or older coins
-.25 Standing Liberty
-Peace or Morgan dollars
Buying US 90% junk at 20.25 x face shipped
This offer stands while silver spot is atleast $27.00
Conditions need to be no less then average circulated, but a small number of more worn, damaged, heavily polished coins will be considered
Most preferred (in decent condition):
-.50 1964 Kennedy
-.50 Franklin
-.25 1940-1964 Washington
-.10 Roosevelt
Will consider (in decent condition):
-.50 Walking Liberty
-.10 Mercury
Absolutely no:
-war nickles
-40% Kennedy's (1965-70)
-Barber or older coins
-.25 Standing Liberty
-Peace or Morgan dollars
still looking for a little more