Usual rules:
Nothing over $100
Nothing over $100
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
I'm offering an original wrapped package of 10 medals for $35.00 delivered.
7 day return
paypal preferred
delivered via USPS 1st class insured
thanks for looking
1964 PCGS MS65 $75
Prices are net shipped paid by check, MO, or no fee Paypal.
Will consider trades for non-junk 90% silver.
1803 Draped Bust Lg. Cent. Small Date, Small Fraction, S-263 variety. Fine det. Nice Cud at Date and large die break on Reverse from over D to O with displacement. Planchet erosion more so on reverse than Obv. Looks better in hand.............$99
1831 Capped Bust Half Dime. VG+/F. darker in hand...............$54.50
1906 IHC. XF/AU. slight mottling surface tone on Obv. not distracting.......$7
1909 VDB Lincoln Cent. VG+/F. nice chocolate brown...........$8.50
1866 Shield Nickel w/ Rays. G.........$14.50
1944 Walking Liberty Half. AU........$13
1964 Kennedy Half Proof. couple of small toning spots on Obv........$12.50
1952 Washington/Carver Commem. AU. Some peripheral toning.......$16.50
1893 Columbian Expostition commem. AU cleaned with peripheral toning........$15.50
1946 Booker T. Washington commem. XF dipped..........$15.50
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
$40 including shipping
Please visit my website Millcitynumismatics.com
Over the years, I have received some PCGS & NGC slabs as gifts, contest wins, presents, or trades. I honestly can't remember which came from where/whom.
As primarily a Whitman-folder-oriented collector, I don't usually collect slabs, so I'm looking to start raising some cash by selling the 5 slabs identified below, which really just don't fit into my collection.
I hope that's not a "no-no", due to the fact that some may have been gifts or contest winnings.... I'm just looking to raise some cash wherever I can for now. (Please PM me if I'm out of line).
I had advertised these in an earlier thread several months ago, when I was hoping to maintain "revenue-neutrality" by selling a few items to pay for any new purchases, but now I'm just looking to sell them to raise cash to tide me thru till I find another job or help pay for possible retraining.
As I've said before, slabs are outside the realm of my expertise, so all I can do is list each slab's info and their value as listed on the PCGS website (as a general guide), and solicit offers from Forum members. Ideally, I'd prefer to sell and ship all 5 as a set.
If anyone can help me with what they would consider an appropriate price range as a reference point for each item below, I'd appreciate it.
For anyone interested in buying them, I will consider all reasonable offers.
Thanks in advance for your help!
- - Dave
1 cent 2006S PR69RD DCAM ........... PCGS #93559.69/13186626 $15
5 cent 2006S PR69RD DCAM ........... PCGS #94246.69/13186580 $27
5 cent 1982S PR69RD DCAM ........... PCGS #94217.69/10792408 $20
10 cent 2005S PR69RD DCAM ........... PCGS #95310.69/10456736 $15
25 cent 2000P Mass. NGC slabbed - - promotional? No other info on slab or value.
1995 Doubled Die Obverse Lincoln Cent uncertified in plastic capsule at least MS66RD - $50
1995 Doubled Die Obverse Lincoln Cent uncertified in plastic capsule at least MS66RD - $50
1995 Doubled Die Obverse Lincoln Cent uncertified in plastic capsule at least MS66RD - $50
1995 Doubled Die Obverse Lincoln Cent uncertified in plastic capsule at least MS66RD - $50
1952 Washington Quarter NGC PR66 - $65
1952 Washington Quarter NGC PR67 - $95
1953 Washington Quarter PCGS PR66 - $55
1962 Washington Quarter ANACS (small old slab) PF65 - $10
1963 Washington Quarter Type B FS-901 uncertified MS64 or so (listed @ $150 in CPG in MS63) - $50
1964 Kennedy Half Dollar ANACS (small old slab) PF67 - $20
12-Coin BU Susan B. Anthony Set uncertified 1979-1981 PDS & S proofs - $25
1980-S $1 Susan B. Anthony NGC PF69 Ultra Cam - $12
1981-S $1 Susan B. Anthony NGC PF66 Ultra Cam (some hazy blue toning) - $10
1947-S Philippines MacArthur Peso PCCI (Photo-Certified Coin Institute) MS65 - $95
1954 Proof Set in Plastic Holder, w/ nicely toned Nickel - $100
1976 Proof Set in older NGC Holders - $85
- 1976-S 1c NGC PF67RD Ultra Cam
- 1976-S 5c NGC PF67 Ultra Cam
- 1976-S 10c NGC PF68 Ultra Cam
- 1976-S 25c SILVER NGC PF68 Ultra Cam
- 1976-S 50c SILVER NGC PF68 Ultra Cam
- 1976-S $1 Ike SILVER NGC PF68 Ultra Cam
2008 Silver Proof Set - $55
2009 Silver Proof Set - $55
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
1. USPS shipping is $2.00. Free shipping with more than one item.
2. Payment by Paypal preferred (Payment owed or regular - your choice); but other methods of payment may be accepted with appropriate BST references or verified "Circle of Trust" credentials.
3. Satisfaction guaranteed after you review the coin in hand...you pay return postage and I'll refund the balance when the coin is received.
4. Please PM if you are interested.
Just got a big batch of coins back from PCGS this week, and it's time to move some of the extras that were included in the submission or displaced by the coins in the submission. I have the following coins available. No offense taken to any reasonable offer.
Lincoln Cents:
1959 PCGS PR67 CAM - $55
Jefferson Nickels:
1967 PCGS SMS Genuine (Rim Damage) - $14 - It's actually a really nice cameo, the two I sent in with it were both CAM's.
Roosevelt Dimes:
1958 PCGS PR66 - $14 - Near Cameo
Previous successful BST SALE transactions to: Keets, Ahrensdad, ProofCents, OnTheHunt, Schatzy, coindudeonebay, sawyerjosh, lakeshore, beartracks42, larrynj, oldgumballmachineswanted, ChrisChampeon, adriana, OnlyBuffalos, Dabigkahuna, epcjimi1, mkman123, originalisbest, Meltdown, 123cents, coinsarefun, rmpsrpms, 1tommy, freechance, lasvegasteddy
ModCrewman's Ebay Auctions
All items have a 7 day return period. $1.50 per coin for delivery (first 3) buy 4 or more I pay shipping. I can email pics of most of these. PayPal, Money Order Successful Transactions with many Forum members.
Lincoln Cents
1943 ANACS old white slab MS67 Steel Lincoln Cent with a beautiful pastel toning on front and back. This is clean and pretty all in one! $69
1955 PCGS PR65CAM Very Nice cameo cent $55
1956 PCGS PR65CAM Nice cameo Lincoln nice mirrors $55
1956 NGC PF65RD Cameo Very nice cameo and mirrors. $40
1958 PCGS PR66CAM Deep mirror Cameo lincoln $49
1958 NGC PF65RD Cameo like the one above it is very nice and frosty and great coin for the grade $20
1958 NGC PF67RD Cameo with very deep frost and deep mirrors top quality Cameo with eye appeal, close to ultra! $55
1959 NGC PF66RD Cameo with very heavy frost to this one just not quite enough mirror to go Ultra Cameo. Another one with added eye appeal $39
1959 NGC PF67RD Cameo very nIce frost and deep mirrors on a medium red background another just miss ultra $40
1960 NGC PF67RD Small Date I was sure this would make Cameo but it is still an extremely nice coin for anyone looking for this issue. $35
1943 D ANACS old white slab MS 66 FSB Full Bands! nice look and luster! $43
1944 PCGS MS65 Nice Mercury in an Older green label holder $25
1956 PCGS PR66 Cameo Nice solid Cameo/Mirrors $25
1959 NGC PF67 Cameo A nice white cameo obverse with deep mirror finsh Reverse is Ultra Cameo Period! A possible candidate to resubmit. $39
1960 NGC PF67 ULTRA CAMEO A very definite top end cameo in a decent grade White frost/Black mirrors WOW! $45
1964 NGC PF67 ULTRA CAMEO An exact duplicate of the above 1960 with a bit frostier obverse. Blunt 9 variety. $35
1960 NGC PF66 Cameo NIce solid Cameo washington. $15
1960 NGC PF67 ULTRA CAMEO a nice ultra cameo example of this year. $79
1967 PCGS MS66Cameo A cameo SMS that has developed a blue and gold tone. $29
1968S NGC PF67ULTRA CAMEO A hard to find UCAM Quarter with very frosty devices. $75
1969S NGC PF67*CAMEO This one is so close to ultra, a bit of toning is the only reason it missed in my opinion. $39
1969S PCGS PR67DCAM Another awesome hard to find deep cameo quarte.r $75
1970S NGC PF68*Cameo This high grade quarter is another one that should have made Ultra. Eye appeal to the max. $69
1971S NGC PF69CAMEO A hard to find grade with an equally hard to find cameo frost. the reverse just missed ultra contrast. $70
NOTE: All 4 of the ike dollars below are the Friendly Eagle Reverse RDV-006 Variety, though not shown on holders.
1971 D PCGS MS64 $35
1971 D PCGS MS65 $69
1971 D NGC MS65 $69
1971 D NGC MS66 $99
Large Cents
1817 $20
1851 $20
1819 $8
1849 $6
1830 $6
183* $6
1827 SOLD. Thx
Prices Include Shipping within the US. Paypal or check/money order accepted.
1907 Indian Cent ICG MS63RD $65
1909 Lincoln Cent PCGS MS64RD $85
Very nice for the grade!
1910 Lincoln Cent NGC MS63RB $40
1945-S Lincoln Cent PCGS MS66RD $20
1910 Liberty Nickel ANACS MS62 (older, smaller slab) $85
1976-D Jefferson Nickel PCGS MS65FS $45
The steps look much stronger than the photo suggests.
1934 Washington Quarter ANACS MS65 (older, smaller slab) $65
1935 Washington Quarter NGC MS65 $80
1936 Washington Quarter NGC MS65 $70
1942-S Washington Quarter PCGS MS64 $95
1946-S Washington Quarter PCGS MS65 $25
1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar PCGS MS65 $100
1952 Franklin Half Dollar NGC MS65FBL $80
1884-O Morgan Dollar Raw MS62 $42
1992-P Olympic Gymnast Half Dollar PCGS MS69 $15
Silver State Quarters - All PCGS PR69 DCAM $12 each shipped
2003 Maine
2004 Iowa
2005 Oregon (Flag)
2006 Nevada
2007 Utah
AU58 $45
PR67 $65
PR64 $40
MS65 $20
MS66 $70
PR65 $Sold
PR63 $65
MS63 $75
PR66 $Sold