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2009 UHR PCGS 69PL Regrade,has anyone had any success??

image Hey,just askin' for some advice.I was showing 2 collectors some of my graded coins yesterday and when both my looked at my 2009 UHR MS 69 First Strikes they both uttered the same words "why the f*&K" isn't it graded PL"?I stated that back in early 2009 PCGS didn't offer a PL grading & they both asked me why the heck I haven't sent them in for regrading yet!Honestly I haven't looked at these coins in 3 years & didn't notice.The price difference is huge ,$3,625 now but PL $5,250.One of the guy's actually looped any said he doesn't see why the coin isn't a 70 which PCGS lists at $21,500..Has anyone encountered the situation before?..I appreciate any input,,,Thanks


  • I sent 2 into get regraded because they are most definitely PL .I mailed them out Monday July 2nd overnight via Express Service level.They arrived at PCGS on Saturday the 7th(they're closed) & were entered early Monday morning in their system.I called Tuesday & was told that they would be graded by the end of the week & here it is Saturday & the grades are not available on their site which is up & working.I paid for 5 day EXPRESS service but now sitting here Saturday morning with the thumb you know where that 3 weeks ago I mailed in my 4 coin voucher & received my coins back in a total of 20 day's!Do you think that it's the coin(UHR) which is holding a high value that I can't explain that's causing this cause WTF is gonna happen when they have to grade 100,000 SF Eagles in a month from now???Should I complain?Any input appreciated,,Thanks

  • I'm on my 6th day 7 & still no grade!!!WTF???

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