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FS Ebay: 24 hour listing Junk Silver Peace Morgan Quarter Dime..A fun listing cause I'm bored...End


Getting ready to split town to visit the Mouse. Here's a fun listing...I think..



Guess I'm sleeping too, just added the link, Thanks...


  • NotSureNotSure Posts: 2,978 ✭✭✭
    No link? image
    I'll come up with something.
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭
    TTT...Ending soon. The Morgan looks cleaned, and the peace I believe has a tad bit of what appears to be scotch tape on it. The dimes shot and well worn, and the uqarter I won from a forum member awhile back, and the Buff is obviously well circulated...

    Thanks for looking Cassimage
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