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Official Long Beach CU Forum Member Meetings @ 1:00pm

illini420illini420 Posts: 11,466 ✭✭✭✭✭
I know a forum member get together was mentioned in a couple of the other Long Beach show threads, but I thought it would be a good idea to set a time and place to see if we can actually make it happen.

So, if you're at the show and want to meet some other forum members in person, how about we try to meet up each day at 1:00pm over by the Long Beach Coin Club table and Collectors' Exhibit area. I'm sure we can also have a little bit of show and tell if any of us have picked up anything cool so far at the show.

If you're not familar with the set up of the show, it's in the very back corner of the show near the supplies area and the concessions. There is also usually a banner above the area that says "Exhibits." I'll wear my bright orange "Chief Illini" hat so you'll have no trouble finding the group, haha!

I know I'll be there Thursday and Saturday for sure since I'm going to set up a Collectors' Exhibit. Will probably bring my 1908-S Indian Cent Grading Set since it made the front cover of the Official Program of the show image Will probably also show up Friday too.

Anyone else in????


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