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Who remembers the kaytsok toned Commems??

keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
There was a dealer/forum member(kaytsok) from the Pittsburgh area who dabbled with Modern Commemeratives back around 2000-05, doing some experimentation with oven-baked toning and certification via PCGS. IIRC he was trying to certify an entire set of the dollar coins and had a tidy sum of $10k wrapped up in the project when he ended it. It was discussed at length here but I've been unable to find any archived threads and kaytsok(Paul) has fallen off the Earth!! I wondered if anyone had information about the project they could post, links they may have saved, pictures of coin(s) or any update on whatever happened to Paul. I have a 1987-S Constitution Dollar that he gave me at the 2005 P.A.N. Show when he was ending everything but no pictures.

Thanks in advance.

Al H.


  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, as seems to often happen i find what i'm looking for after i surrender!! image this should answer questions for anyone unfamiliar with the info in the OP, but i'd still ask for anything new that can be offered as well as some pictures.
  • UNLVinoUNLVino Posts: 416
    The last post of your link has a link to his registry set with lots of pics. image
  • TomBTomB Posts: 21,323 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I didn't follow your link, but I recall the thread. If I remember correctly, he had said part of his motivation was to assemble a complete, pan-fried set of modern commems in PCGS holders for display. He also didn't seem to take it well when many folks failed to see the importance of his quest, if my memory is accurate. Part of his strategy was to send many set up coins in with a few pan-fried pieces and in this way he appeared to get one or two pan-fried coins into holders from each submission.
    Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

    In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson

  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭
    He was kind enough to give me one a few years back.

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,109 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think his Registry of the coins is still active.

    Registry LINK


  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    the Set is still active(#66) as UNLVino pointed out but Paul is not/has not been around since '07. whatever his motivation may have been i found the results to be intriguing for a few different reasons. given some of the things that transpire here i thought he was treated quite poorly and may have stayed around or gone in another direction within the Hobby. since he was from the Pittsburgh area and had rubbed shoulders with Pat and Jim i figure he had a good chance of being pulled into the "main-stream" with a little coaching.
  • ZoinsZoins Posts: 34,290 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's a shame he's no longer around. I'm sure he wasn't the only one doing it but he was very open about it which I appreciate. Others have done similar things and have remained in the hobby so hopefully he'll come back.
  • DorkGirlDorkGirl Posts: 9,994 ✭✭✭
    I remember him getting upset when no one wanted to display his coins at their show.
  • lcoopielcoopie Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭✭✭
    perhaps they are "market acceptable"
    LCoopie = Les

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