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OT - eBay system "technical errors" displaying incorrect information in Seller Dashboard -

jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
Looking at the new eBay policies going into effect on 1 June, I looked at my "tracking performance" in the Seller Dashboard where you have to upload tracking information into eBay within 24 hours of someone having paid you. To keep your 20% FVF credit, you have to have a 90% completion rate of that tracking information being uploaded. I looked over my status and noticed it was 85% but was missing several sales. Those included were a few that were shipped first class, no tracking number to input... I called eBay and asked where the rest of my sales were and they said it's a known error effecting random accounts and since I called, they would reevaluate my account after 1 June for compliance but could not tell me what my actual % was. I was missing about 20% of my sales.

Long story short, if you are a top rated seller and follow all the new ridiculous rules to keep your 20% FVF credit, you should check this number ASAP. The deadline is 31 May and whatever that number is will either qualify or disqualify you from the credit. I guess I'll be putting up a bunch of cheap, short term auctions over the worst holiday weekend to sell stuff to get my tracking number percentage up.


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