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I'm a happy camper! Grades are in!

toyz4geotoyz4geo Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭✭✭
I just looked to see if my 8 CC submissions had made it through yet and they had posted. I had a nice 1935-S Washie that 99ed because of PVC residue and a 1922 Peace that was questionable color, BUT, my 1949-P Franklin went 66FBL, one 1949-S Franklin went 65FBL and another went 66FBL. Both came out of a nice original mint set. I also sent in a 1942-P Type 1 Jefferson, DDO that went 64. I was holding my breath for FS but am still happy. I paid the $24 to get the correct variety attribution on the slab. Cannot wait to get them in hand.


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