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Decent Garage Sale Score. Proof Sets 1959-1964

So my wife and I love going around to garage sales and I found one with some older proof sets. Purchased the 59-64. Guy was asking $170. I wanted it for $100. Talked him down to $120. I was happy with that price. The 60-64 had never been opened so it was fun to open them up too. All of them look pretty standard except for the nickel in the 1960. From what I've seen most moderns aren't worth slabbing but this one looks so pretty. Thoughts?

Sorry for the bad cell phone pictures.



Justin From Jersey

Successful Transactions With: JoeLewis, Mkman123, Harry779, Grote15, gdavis70, Kryptonitecomics


  • ModCrewmanModCrewman Posts: 4,038 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good buy even at $120...$25 is the going rate on these recently.

    Too bad they weren't packed with DCAM gems! I don't see anything about that nickel in your photo that says it should be graded, I say leave it as is and enjoy.
  • Nice pickup at $20 apiece, cant go wrong there. I like the nickle but its to hard to tell what grade it might get.
    BST Transactions: DonnyJf, MrOrganic, Justanothercoinaddict, Fivecents, Slq, Jdimmick,
    Robb, Tee135, Ibzman350, Mercfan, Outhaul, Erickso1, Cugamongacoins, Indiananationals, Wayne Herndon

    Negative BST Transactions:
  • lasvegasteddylasvegasteddy Posts: 10,408 ✭✭✭
    nice lil score at $20 a pop
    yeah the nickel just doesn't stand out enough for me though
    everything in life is but merely on loan to us by our appreciation....lose your appreciation and see

  • BanemorthBanemorth Posts: 986 ✭✭✭
    Appreciate the feedback guys! I'll leave it where it is. Looks nice in the set wrapper image
    Justin From Jersey

    Successful Transactions With: JoeLewis, Mkman123, Harry779, Grote15, gdavis70, Kryptonitecomics
  • stevebensteveben Posts: 4,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
    nickle? c'mon guys, really? image
  • BanemorthBanemorth Posts: 986 ✭✭✭

    << <i>nickle? c'mon guys, really? image >>

    I have *no* idea what you're talking about! image
    Justin From Jersey

    Successful Transactions With: JoeLewis, Mkman123, Harry779, Grote15, gdavis70, Kryptonitecomics
  • 123cents123cents Posts: 7,178 ✭✭✭
    Nice score. Congrats!
  • CameonutCameonut Posts: 7,296 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't forget to look for varieties. I've made far more money on varieties than on cameos.

    1959 ddr 25c
    1960 small date cent, large over small date, small over large date cents. DDR nickel, DDR dime, DDR quarter, DDO half
    1961 DDR nickel, DDO Quarter, and the king DDR half
    1962 DDO quarter, DDO half
    1963 DDR dime, DDR quarter
    1964 DDO dime, DDO half, accented hair half, pointed 9 dime

    “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson

    My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!

  • pmacpmac Posts: 3,189 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>nickle? c'mon guys, really? image >>

    I have *no* idea what you're talking about! image >>

    Somebody's a little sensitive about the way "nickle" is "spelt"?image
    I say have them all slabbed and make PCGS happy.
  • GManGMan Posts: 790 ✭✭
    The best I've done is Cam Franklin for a 1960 set. It only went PR65 though so it wasn't a big deal. Couple others I thought were Cam but PCGS didn't agree. Nice find for $20 a set though.
  • BanemorthBanemorth Posts: 986 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Don't forget to look for varieties. I've made far more money on varieties than on cameos.

    1959 ddr 25c
    1960 small date cent, large over small date, small over large date cents. DDR nickel, DDR dime, DDR quarter, DDO half
    1961 DDR nickel, DDO Quarter, and the king DDR half
    1962 DDO quarter, DDO half
    1963 DDR dime, DDR quarter
    1964 DDO dime, DDO half, accented hair half, pointed 9 dime >>

    No such luck! image
    Justin From Jersey

    Successful Transactions With: JoeLewis, Mkman123, Harry779, Grote15, gdavis70, Kryptonitecomics
  • USMarine6USMarine6 Posts: 1,940 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ive had good luck stopping at yard and garage sales looking for coins. Last year i was able to buy an 1983p special mint set. Guy had a sticker on it with a price of $4.50. i was able to talk him down to $4. lol
  • braddickbraddick Posts: 24,109 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>nickle? c'mon guys, really? image >>

    I have *no* idea what you're talking about! image >>

    Nickel > nickle.


  • BanemorthBanemorth Posts: 986 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>nickle? c'mon guys, really? image >>

    I have *no* idea what you're talking about! image >>

    Nickel > nickle. >>

    Haha I know. I was one of the ones that spelled it wrong in my OP and then edited it image
    Justin From Jersey

    Successful Transactions With: JoeLewis, Mkman123, Harry779, Grote15, gdavis70, Kryptonitecomics

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