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ArizonaJackArizonaJack Posts: 4,029 ✭✭✭
" YOU SUCK " Awarded 5/18/08


  • AZJack,

    We are introducing a Beta test version of CoinShow Search at the Long Beach Expo. The mobile version will be announced very soon, but you can now do searches for a particular show now on www.collectorscorner.com. We are working with our Collectors Corner dealers to flag inventory that they will have at the show(s). So far we have almost 1000 coins that are flagged. Search results wiull give the dealer and his or her table at Long Beach. This will help you out in the future looking for a coin.

    Hope this helps you out, Regards,
    Mike Brandow

    The First Digital Coin Show!

    June Long Beach

    Long Beach has always been a great place to sell coins and now it’s about to become even better. We have harnessed the listing power of CCE’s Collectors Corner with the power of today’s mobile technology to make it really easy for buyers to find you and your coins.

    Imagine…Walking into a coin show and punching 1907 $20 High Relief into your smart phone or iPad, and seeing a list of table numbers and names of the locations of all $20 High Reliefs featured at the coin show.

    Imagine…Being at a coin show and using your smart phone or iPad to view images of coins you want to buy right at the show.

    Imagine…Being at a coin show and having a retail buyer walk up to your table and say, “I’d like to look at the 1880 Proof Morgan you brought to the show if you still have it.”

    All that and more will be available at the May 30 - June 2, 2012 Long Beach Coin, Stamp & Collectibles Expo. This digital coin show listing is available to all CCE member dealers. Whatever coins you plan to bring to the show can be listed in the Long Beach search database.

    This is a big idea…and it should really help you sell coins to both collectors and dealers. The June Long Beach show is our “coming out” party for this new technology. This show is literally our live beta test. CALL US TODAY at 800-733-6623 if you want to try this new technology during the Long Beach show and we’ll walk you through the easy download mechanics.

    And best of all, there’s no extra charge for this new, more efficient way to sell coins; it’s a part of your CCE membership. We’re here to help you buy and sell more coins and this is another way (a new and exciting way) that we’re doing our job to help you.

  • ArizonaJackArizonaJack Posts: 4,029 ✭✭✭
    " YOU SUCK " Awarded 5/18/08

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