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Help wanted on Georgia token

MWallaceMWallace Posts: 4,145 ✭✭✭✭✭
There is a book on Georgia tokens where I believe this token is listed as # 3070-Aa. Does anyone have the book that can give me more info on this token? Thank you.




  • JulianJulian Posts: 3,370 ✭✭✭
    It is just what it says. There are many of these and, for the most part, these parking tokens only have a modest value.
    PNG member, numismatic dealer since 1965. Operates a retail store, also has exhibited at over 1000 shows.
    I firmly believe in numismatics as the world's greatest hobby, but recognize that this is a luxury and without collectors, we can all spend/melt our collections/inventories.

  • MWallaceMWallace Posts: 4,145 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My wife graduated from Medical College of Georgia. She doesn't recall these. The main thing I'd like to know is when were they issued/used.

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