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Is Ebay the modern equivalent of NYC's Lower East Side?

lcoopielcoopie Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭✭✭
Unless your seller is reputable I would say yes.

Perhaps even worse for legitimate sellers, as it seems easy for a buyer to commit fraud on the seller, which probably wouldn't happen on the Lower East Side if you don't want to be beaten up.

For out of towners, you can get any counterfeit designer products at a good price there in the back of the store, perhaps through a hidden wall, or even on the street.

and the police are outside in a van.
LCoopie = Les


  • phnataccphnatacc Posts: 367 ✭✭

    But to beat a dead horse, this is a place where CCW could do some real work and instill confidence into the marketplace by releasing some reports on their progress.

    For example:

    From April 18 to May 18 the US Coins->Dollar category had about 3K (2,977) completed sales per day and 6K completed listings (6,131). A little under a 50% sell-through rate.

    During that time period, how many reports were made to CCW? How many resulted in auctions being ended due to counterfeit items? How many resulted in auctions being ended due to other policy violations? Etc...

    If you were to take the number of validly reported counterfeit dollars here, the percentage would be less than 1 to be sure. But it would take at least 60 reported counterfeit coins to just get to 1% for that time frame.

    Unfortunately, instead of getting any sort of data or guidance or anything out of the eBay or CCW... we end up with exactly this sort of fear, uncertainty and doubt spread through the marketplace by persons such as yourself. This is not a slam against you in any way. Frankly you are entitled to your opinion. And, without any real numbers to instill confidence in the marketplace opinions such as yours will persist far longer than they should.

    Edit: stupid emoticon parser.
  • lcoopielcoopie Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I respect your opinion as it contains

    LCoopie = Les

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