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Inadvertant Cleaning

tneigtneig Posts: 1,505 ✭✭✭
I received a $5 gold coin from Apmex for a good price. Interesting because they had "cleaned versions" this time, for $more than the XF I ordered. I figured as usual, the cleaned are always a bit cheaper, so I jumped on this XF sale.

So, I get it, and put it in my pocket to show it to someone. Came home, unloaded and packed away the rest of the delivery, but forgot the gold coin. It was in the tradional coin flip w the label. Of course, I washed it with my clothes. It came out slightly soggy, as some water leaked into the flip, but seemed about the same. (I didn't put it in the dryer, rub or wipe it, just a pat with eye class cleaner cloth.)

So, guess I got the cleaned version afterall! Fate.


  • pmacpmac Posts: 3,189 ✭✭✭
    Do you suppose the PCGS sniffer can detect "Tide"?image
  • lcoopielcoopie Posts: 8,873 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Soap and water is not really considered cleaning as related to coins
    LCoopie = Les

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