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Major Error in the PCGS Price guide

Walking Liberty Half Dollar (1936-1947)

Front page index where the series are listed it has that for the WLH. Starts with proof year instead of MS issue year.


  • blu62vetteblu62vette Posts: 11,925 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Need more info and it is best to email David with your guide concerns.
    http://www.bluccphotos.com" target="new">BluCC Photos Shows for onsite imaging: Nov Baltimore, FUN, Long Beach http://www.facebook.com/bluccphotos" target="new">BluCC on Facebook
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,467 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do not really understand your statement, but if I am interpreting it correctly, it does not seem like a major problem to me. But, if it is, you should probably call PCGS to inform them of the error.
  • gripgrip Posts: 9,962 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Walking Liberty Half Dollar (1936-1947)

    Front page index where the series are listed it has that for the WLH. Starts with proof year instead of MS issue year. >>


  • << <i>Walking Liberty Half Dollar (1936-1947)

    Front page index where the series are listed it has that for the WLH. Starts with proof year instead of MS issue year. >>

    If you happen to spot an error with the PCGS website none of the forum members can fix it for you. You have to call or email Customer Service to report the problem.
    PCGS Customer Service
  • JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,847 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Major error? Really. I think more like a minor typo in the header. It should read 1916-1947 instead of 1936-1947. The price guide lines up just fine.

    Walker Proof Digital Album
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  • blu62vetteblu62vette Posts: 11,925 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Walking Liberty Half Dollar (1936-1947)

    Front page index where the series are listed it has that for the WLH. Starts with proof year instead of MS issue year. >>

    If you happen to spot an error with the PCGS website none of the forum members can fix it for you. You have to call or email Customer Service to report the problem. >>

    Wait!!! The forum members don't run the company anymore?? When did that change? image
    http://www.bluccphotos.com" target="new">BluCC Photos Shows for onsite imaging: Nov Baltimore, FUN, Long Beach http://www.facebook.com/bluccphotos" target="new">BluCC on Facebook

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Walking Liberty Half Dollar (1936-1947)

    Front page index where the series are listed it has that for the WLH. Starts with proof year instead of MS issue year. >>

    If you happen to spot an error with the PCGS website none of the forum members can fix it for you. You have to call or email Customer Service to report the problem. >>

    Wait!!! The forum members don't run the company anymore?? When did that change? image >>

  • CakesCakes Posts: 3,640 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Walking Liberty Half Dollar (1936-1947)

    Front page index where the series are listed it has that for the WLH. Starts with proof year instead of MS issue year. >>

    If you happen to spot an error with the PCGS website none of the forum members can fix it for you. You have to call or email Customer Service to report the problem. >>

    Wait!!! The forum members don't run the company anymore?? When did that change? image >>

    How dare you......................image
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