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WTT: Topps 2012 Baseball stickers...



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    I have the following duplicates...1 4 9 17 31 33 33 37 39 61 64 76 78 110 123 125 126 127 140 142 179 187 190 195 197 197 207 212 212 219 221 221 228 229 230 232 239 241 247 259 270 281 282 288 296 302 308

    I need the following...2 5 7 14 16 19 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 36 38 41 43 45 48 49 52 53 56 58 59 60 68 73 75 80 83 88 89 92 94 97 103 105 109 111 115 120 124 171 172 173 175 176 177 181 186 198 199 200 201 203 209 210 215 216 218 220 223 226 231 236 240 242 250 251 254 257 264 265 268 275 276 277 280 283 284 285 289 290 294 295 299 300 304 305 Red Sox, White Sox, Cubs, Marlins, Pirates, Phillies, Rays

    Let me know if you want to trade or have extra duplicates. Thanks.
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    Hi jcball,

    We have the following from your list: 14,16,19,43,56,73,80,83,88,109,115,124,199,215,251,257264,276,277,283,284,295, and the Red Sox.

    We are in need of these #'s: 34,53,610,61,65,68,90,94,102,112,127,180,185,212,216,234,259,269,272,275,297,301. White sox, mariners, Rockies, pirates, nationals, dodgers.
    Looks like you have several of them, maybe you've picked up more since you posted. We would love to trade the ones you have that we need for those we have that you do. Please message me confirming you would like to do this and leave me your address so we can start a trade!


    Mike (the Dad) and Josh (the Son)

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    I need the following stickers for my kids two books

    Book 1 - 3 8 11 13 22 25 30 34 38 43 45 63 65 67 68 72 73 74 75 79 81 95 96 97 99 102 105 106 114 116 117 120 122 124 128 131 132 133 134 166 169 177 180 184 185 191 192 198 202 205 213 218 220 222 223 234 237 238 240 243 246 248 254 255 260 261 262 264 265 266 272 276 279 284 295 297 301 304 309

    Book 2 - 2 5 7 14 16 19 21 23 24 28 36 41 48 49 52 53 46 58 59 60 80 83 88 89 92 103 109 111 115 119 129 135 171 172 173 175 176 181 186 199 200 201 203 209 210 215 226 231 242 250 251 268 275 277 280 283 285 289 290 294 299 300 305

    I have the following duplicates...1 4 9 17 31 33 33 37 39 61 64 76 78 110 123 125 126 127 187 188 190 195 197 197 207 212 212 219 221 221 228 229 230 232 239 241 247 259 270 281 282 288 296 308 Indians/Giants Royals/BlueJays

    Lets me if you want to trade. Thanks.
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    Gator....did you get those stickers I sent out last week? I haven't heard back from you. You said you have...8 19 73 79 83 95 99 106 109 128 134 169 191 199 205 213 261 262 264 266 276 277 283 284 295 309.

    Almost there...just need another 26 stickers to complete my kids books.

    Here is my updated NEED list (excluding the one's Gator may send me)....13 22 36 68 72 74 105 105 176 185 192 200 203 222 268 272 279 280 CHW/PIR, BOS/OAK, LAA/MIL, DET/STL, TEX/HOU, WAS/LAD, TB/MIA, CHC/PHL

    I have the following duplicates...1 4 9 17 31 33 33 37 39 64 76 78 123 125 126 187 188 190 195 197 197 207 212 219 221 221 228 229 230 232 239 241 247 270 281 282 288 308 Indians/Giants Royals/BlueJays

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
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    John- I sent you a PM earlier. I hope you got it. I did get the ones you sent me and I sent yours out yesterday. thanks for trading with us.
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    Hi Gator, long time no speak, hope all is well with you and your family. I havent been on the site in awhile and noticed there was a new member (jcball) who needed some help. As you know, I have a ton of doubles, triples, etc and have helped a few people finish off their books, and would like to help you guys out any way that I can.
    Could you both send me your updated lists on what you need and I will see what I have for you guys. I was attempting to complete our 3rd book, but have just been so busy and havent paid much attention to it recently. I will send you what I need as well and maybe if we all work together we can complete each other's books!
    Thanks and talk to you soonimage
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    Hi John, good to see you back! Yes, we would love to trade again. Here is what we still need: 34,53,60,65,68,90,94,102,112,180,185,216,234,269,272,275,297,300,301,white sox,mariners,Rockies,dodgers,pirates,nationals

    Let me know if you have any of these and what you might need.


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    Gator...I got the stickers today. Thanks!! If I get anymore of yours I will send them your way.

    Ryanmaddux...I sent you a PM with my updated need list. Let me know what you need from my list.

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    Hi Guys,

    Sorry just got around to checking in today. I now have both your lists and will do my best to see what I have for you over the weekend... I will send you guys PM's once I finish going thru everything.
    Thanks and talk to you soon!
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    Looking for only five stickers to complete my kids book.....13, 22, 74, 105, and 200. I have plenty of dupes. Let me know.
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