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JRCS Project --> Need CU Member's assistance

First, I would like to thank Barndog (Richard) for his weekly efforts in keeping the JR Newsletter alive.
It is really wonderful to read each Sunday morning and see what collectors and just people interested
in early US silver Bust coinage have to say, reply, comment on.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list, here is the email address: jrnewsletter@jrcs.org
Or I'm sure you can just PM Barndog!

Second, I am working on a project to get an idea from collectors experiences of the approximate % of
coins from different series (like Capped Bust Dimes) that survive in various grades (as listed below).
I am planning to publish these results and all submissions (such as your name) are kept anonymous.
I would like to keep this anonymous, so I would appreciate that all submissions be PM-ed to me image
*These are suppose to be approximations as I don't expect anyone to know EXACTLY how many examples
survive in each category

I am breaking down the grades as follows:
MS = x%
AU = x%
EF = x%
VF = x%
F = x%
VG = x%
G (and lower) = x%

And here are the different series I am looking to get information from:
FH Half-Dimes (1794-1795)
Draped Bust Half-Dimes (1796-1805)
Capped Bust Half Dimes (1829-1837)

Draped Bust Dimes (1796-1807)
Capped Bust Dimes (1809-1837) (1 response)

Draped Bust Quarters (1796-1807)
Capped Bust Quarters (1815-1828) (1 response)
Capped Bust Quarters (1831-1838) (1 response)

FH Half-Dollars (1794-1795)
Draped Bust Half Dollars (1796-1807)
Capped Bust Half-Dollars (1807-1836)

FH Dollars (1794-1795)
Draped Bust Dollars (1795-1803)

**Please take your time to think about this. I would like to get at least 5 submissions for each
coin series to ensure at least a modest sample size when I publish these results.



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