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Looking for a Good Brick-n-Mortar dealer in Indianapolis

My most esteemed PCGS coin colleagues:

I will be passing through Indy next weekend and I am looking for recommendations on a good honest coin or PM dealer to sell some of my stack to. I will be selling mostly: Silver Bars, ASEs, Maples, and some GSA Peace dollars.

Who do you recommend and how much back of spot for the bars should I expect? I have a mix of 10, 5, 1, and half ounce bars. How about the rolls of ASEs and the maples, what would be a fair price relative to spot for them?

And the GSAs? should I just hang on to those? I know there is a niche market for them on eBay, but I don't have the desire to mess with that right now.

Thank you in advance for any recommendations you may have.




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