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All Time Teams

I know this topic has been discussed before, but I don't understand some things about the concept of these sets. So, an all-time team set that I collect was recently updated (by popular vote) to add 2 new cards. I have no issue with the players added, but when the set is comprised of "rookie" cards, why is a card from 1991 added when there are easily found cards (relatively mainstream too) of this person from 1974 and 1975?

No consistency sure takes the fun out of some of these sets, because to get it corrected would take an act of congress. I know the reason the submitter requested the card in question, and its because "its the card I had graded already". I really have no beef with him for suggesting it, but I guess I'm just venting my overall frustration with the set itself and the fact that the card gets voted in blindly. For the record, I voted yes for the person, but no to the card suggested and offered what I thought should have been the correct submission.

Anyway, enough ranting from me. If anybody has input on this, I would love to see if anybody feels the same or can offer the logic behind it that I'm obviously overlooking.


  • recbballrecbball Posts: 1,522 ✭✭✭
    I'm assuming you are talking about the All-Time Chiefs set.
    Personally, I always vote against cards that are non-rookie cards.
    If he dosen't have a RC IMO that's too bad.
    When you allow non-RCs in the set like 1991 ENOR PRO FOOTBALL HOF LAMAR HUNT or the
    2006 TOPPS HALL OF FAME CLASS OF 2006 JOHN MADDEN into the Raiders set I think you are opening pandoras box.
    I just happened to have both of these cards because I collect the HOF Players/Coaches/Admin set.
    Majority rules so I go with it, but I hope if the future any non-RCs are voted down to keep the All-Time sets consisting of RCs only.
    Just my opinion.
  • ndwsndws Posts: 132 ✭✭
    Thanks for the feedback Tom, I appreciate it. I thought maybe I was alone in my thoughts. I think you hit it right on the head when you say it can open pandora's box. If that's the card that gets voted in, so be it...I guess. I would just prefer alot more accuracy and consistency in some of these all-time sets (not just the Chiefs set). But, I'm a very small time collector too, so I think thats just how it goes.
  • goraidersgoraiders Posts: 2,158 ✭✭✭
    I agree with Tom as well,seeing that06 Madden card allowed on Raiders set just did it for me,I always tried
    to stay 100% with what seems new additions every month,but wont after these newer cards of a coach 30yrs. ago.image
    1972 Football-9's high#'s
    1965 Football-8's
    1958 Topps FB-7-8
  • Seconded !!! Someone put the 1991 Pro-set Don Shula in the Dolphins set when everybody knows his rookie is the 64 Philly card.
    Any team on any given Sunday, can beat any other team...unless they were playing the Miami Dolphins in 1972.
  • mcadamsmcadams Posts: 2,618 ✭✭✭
    I'm glad this topic is getting some light. Important to discuss. Its been said before, but if someone doesn't have a real RC, tough! Lets not pretend a card of when they are 50 years old is a RC.
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    Always buying Bobby Cox inserts. PM me.
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