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Previous Indians owner Bill Veeck buried the 1948 Championship flag in center field of the old Cleveland Stadium once it became obvious the team could not repeat its championship in 1949. What ever happened to the flag when the old stadium was demolished?
Thanks Dave
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  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Wow... no idea. Apparently they had a whole ceremony for it and buried it inside a coffin. This would be a great question for someone like Bruce Drennan, Joe Tait, or Tony Rizzo. Surely one of those guys know what happened to it. Maybe it ended up in Lake Erie like the rest of the stadium! lol



    One day, pharmacist Charley Lupica and his pals were eating at their favorite diner when they overheard some Yankee fans disparaging the Cleveland Indians. Lupica walked over to their table to defend the tribe and an argument ensued. Both parties quarreled until the Yankee side retorted, "Well, if you like the Indians so much, why don't you sit on a flagpole until you die up there?"

    Back then, sitting on top of a flagpole was sort of a hobby for teenagers. Lupica agreed and the challenge went into effect on May 31, 1949. The drug store owner climbed a 60-foot pole and settled on a 4-foot precipice were he would stay until Cleveland led in the standings, or were eliminated from contention. Stores donated him food and drink, a phone, radio, and telephone. The Indians were in 7th place when Lupica started and only got up to 4th when he came down. Lupica was so die hard that he even missed the birth of his son. The media covered it nationally and even newspapers in Europe heard of his ascent.

    The Indians got as close as three games behind the Yankees in August before tailing off a few weeks later. On September 25, the tribe's last home game of the season, Lupica relented after 117 days on the perch. Bill Veeck had a truck come and haul the flagpole to Cleveland Municipal Stadium where Charley at last stepped back on terra firma. He was greeted with cheers from the 39,000 fans in attendance. For his troubles, Veeck awarded him the keys to a new car.

    Two days before Lupica's descent, Veeck held a mock funeral for the '48 pennant flag to commemorate their elimination from playoff contention. The flag was buried in the soil and a tombstone labeled "1948 champs" was place atop of it.

    In 2003, Lupica died at age 90 from the effects of a double hip fracture. Even then he was still listening to Indians games on the radio.
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    ask Matt Underwood on Facebook.

    I bet he would try and find out!
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭


    2 pics from Easter.

    edited to add that I just asked your question on SportsTime Ohio's FB page.
  • Very cool pics. Im still at a loss on this search for the lost flag.
    Looking for 1950 Bowman football PSA 7's
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    yeah no one answered it on FB.
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