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GROUP SUB for jswieton's PSA/DNA Red Flip Group Sub May 2012!

I want to take part in the group submission that jswieton is putting together for May 2012... but with the rule being a 20 card minimum, I won't be able to! Perhaps you fall into that categorization as well. I have roughly 8-10 cards I would like to sub. I'm willing to take on a few people with a handful of cards (3 minimum) that can send me their cards, and I will submit them to jswieton as a single submission of (at least) 20 cards. Here are my rules:

1) 3 card minimum
2) $12.50 per card + exact return shipping back to you when I get them back from jswieton. Why am I $1 more than jswieton? Well, I need to pay to ship them to him and also pay for the return shipping back to me... before I can get them back to you! It's still a lot cheaper than their last $15 special + shipping to and from PSA.
3) I will only be submitting cards for a # grade, no "authentic" request accepted

You can send check/mo with the cards, or I can take a Paypal "Gift" payment. PM, or respond here, and I'll keep a running list of the pariticpants until we hit the requisite 20 (minimum), at which point i'll cut it off.



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