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WTB Clayton Kershaw

Looking for PSA or raw kershaw as long as the price range is less than about $150.

I have yet to make a transaction on these boards but I would assume I would pay first with paypal and you would be a trustworthy guy and such.


  • Hi Mat84,

    It looks like you are not set up for PM 's (Private Messages). So I'm sending a direct reply to your message. I do not have any PSA of Kershaw, but I do have a raw 2008 Rookie Topps Finest that could only be gotten with a
    redemption pull from Topps and sent to them for the card. Not a high $ card. I may have some others, but before I take time to look send me a email jct43@embarqmail.com and let me know if interested and a give me a better idea of what type cards you are looking for in Kershaw. I can send scans also of what I have in Kershaw.

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