So there is this big logjam in the foreclosure system between buyers that stopped paying and are living for free and the banks that are in the clear to foreclose but won't because they don't want the loss on the books?
What actually caused the tide of throwing the bums out to suddenly reverse? Every day it seems like I read a story about someone who hasn't paid their mortgage in 2 years that is still in the house now.
It wasn't a year ago where it was the robosigning mortgage holders tossing people on the street without due process. Why are the banks more worried about the strength of the balance sheet in 2012?
Is there another stress test coming up that they need to pass?
If all the shadow inventory (Foreclosures in process, those that are stalled and the 30 day behind) were to be processed in the next 180 days which they normaly would be this country would see an absolute chaos of economic colapse. There are to many industries and services that are deriving income from these sources that if that King of dominos went down in a 6 month period it would be devastating. The manipulated let down has grown to be the American Government way in all aspects of our geopolitical, economic, and ethics/morals.
NumbersUsa, FairUs, Alipac, CapsWeb, and TeamAmericaPac
So there is this big logjam in the foreclosure system between buyers that stopped paying and are living for free and the banks that are in the clear to foreclose but won't because they don't want the loss on the books?
What actually caused the tide of throwing the bums out to suddenly reverse? Every day it seems like I read a story about someone who hasn't paid their mortgage in 2 years that is still in the house now.
It wasn't a year ago where it was the robosigning mortgage holders tossing people on the street without due process. Why are the banks more worried about the strength of the balance sheet in 2012?
Is there another stress test coming up that they need to pass?
this country would see an absolute chaos of economic colapse. There are to many industries and services that are deriving income from these sources that if that King of dominos went down in a 6 month period it would be devastating. The manipulated let down has grown to be the American Government way in all aspects of our geopolitical, economic, and ethics/morals.
Here is another link about shadow inventory from zero hedge from a week ago