For trade: 1789 Irish "Cronebane Halfpenny" Conder token + Conder token reference CD

This item's been collecting dust on my BST swaplist for a little while so I thought I'd hang it out here for trade.
I've got 30 bucks in it, and 20 bucks in the CD, but I'm not worried about the latter. Was asking $35 for both on BST and in the Bargain Bin.
Whatcha got for trade of equal value, be it Liteside, Darkside, or Farside? (That's US, World, or Exonumia, for those not hip to forum slang.)
I'm open for trade offers. It's a nifty token, really. I've copied my BST description below.
Ireland: Associated Irish Mine Co. "Cronebane Halfpenny" Conder token, 1789, VF+ (borderline XF)

My original BST description:
Nice medium brown surfaces and no problems. The images are scans, not photos. The obverse features a bishop in a mitered hat- hey, you gotta love some of the cool designs on these old tokens, right? I'm too lazy to look up the Dalton & Hamer variety (there are a LOT of varieties of this issue), but hey... y'know what? Buy it, and I'll throw in a CD copy of the D&H book I bought here, so you can attribute it yourself. Apparently the person I bought the CD from didn't know it wasn't legal for resale, but I won't be reselling the (bootleg?) CD. I'll be giving it to you as a bonus. (I paid 20 bucks for it.) Who wants a nifty Irish token and a free CD of the classic reference on 18th Century British provincial tokens?
I've got 30 bucks in it, and 20 bucks in the CD, but I'm not worried about the latter. Was asking $35 for both on BST and in the Bargain Bin.
Whatcha got for trade of equal value, be it Liteside, Darkside, or Farside? (That's US, World, or Exonumia, for those not hip to forum slang.)
I'm open for trade offers. It's a nifty token, really. I've copied my BST description below.
Ireland: Associated Irish Mine Co. "Cronebane Halfpenny" Conder token, 1789, VF+ (borderline XF)

My original BST description:
Nice medium brown surfaces and no problems. The images are scans, not photos. The obverse features a bishop in a mitered hat- hey, you gotta love some of the cool designs on these old tokens, right? I'm too lazy to look up the Dalton & Hamer variety (there are a LOT of varieties of this issue), but hey... y'know what? Buy it, and I'll throw in a CD copy of the D&H book I bought here, so you can attribute it yourself. Apparently the person I bought the CD from didn't know it wasn't legal for resale, but I won't be reselling the (bootleg?) CD. I'll be giving it to you as a bonus. (I paid 20 bucks for it.) Who wants a nifty Irish token and a free CD of the classic reference on 18th Century British provincial tokens?