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Reholdering Question

Somewhat lazy question but asking more to know collectors' actual experiences.

Here it goes:

1) If the card is now loose (literally moves around) in a holder that employs a mylar bag, does PSA reholder at their expense or yours?
2) Does the previous answer change if they have the correct size holder that does not require the use of a mylar bag (ex. 64 Giant or standard Kelloggs)?
3) At shows where they set up (White Plains), can they do it there or does it have to go back to CA? (My assumption is that is goes back to CA as they seem to only do PSA/DNA certs, not holders, at these shows but take submissions for anything that would go into a holder)

Thank you in advance and I hope I have not offended OTW's, or anyone else's, sensibilities.

Based on CollectorAt Work's answer below, my guess on #1 is it would be my expense, unless the definition of "float" is strictly conceptual as opposed to the card moving around freely in the holder.

Edited to clarify.


  • Not quite sure what a "bagged holder" is, but from my conversations with PSA customer support, they will reholder free of charge only if they screwed up with one of your submissions. Screw ups include the following:

    (1) When the card is shipped to you, the holder was damaged.
    (2) Incorrect flip
    (3) Card was holdered upside down or something similar.

    However, if the card is one of the above, but you purchased the card and were not the originally submitter, then you would have to pay to reholder any of those. In addition, if you want to reholder for any of these reasons, you need to pay yourself:

    (1) Card "floats" inside holder, and now PSA has a newer holder where there is less "float"
    (2) Older, "obsolete" flip (e.g., when card was originally holdered, the set name was 1924 W-UNC. Now that same card is categorized as 1926 W511.)
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