Super Bowl question

in Sports Talk
Every year I always hear a little talk about moving this to Saturday. Has (or will) this ever be seriously considered by the league? In my opinion it would take an immensely popular event and make it even more popular.
All NHL games have to be finished before 6pm Sunday night, and Hockey Night in Canada won't ever give up Saturday 7pm starts
in Toronto and Montreal, and 10pm starts out west. The NFL would probably have to pay huge money to buy out those
advertisers for Hockey Night in Canada.
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Last year, a league spokesman responded to a Sports Illustrated reporter by saying: “We hear this each year. The concept of playing the Super Bowl on a Sunday has worked well for 44 years, and we don’t anticipate moving away from this tradition. Fans expect to see the Super Bowl on a Sunday, the day on which 89.2 percent of NFL games are played.”