Gothic Florin Experts- Question?

As you obviously know, there are dates that run from the early 1860s to the 1870s that feature Die numbers-
What is the highest number you have seen?
I ask as I recently came across an 1873 with a die number 258 which strikes me as high
What is the highest number you have seen?
I ask as I recently came across an 1873 with a die number 258 which strikes me as high
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Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
The 1870 Bertie florin which I sold was die #13
The only others which I recall from the 1860s were the 1864 and 1868 (both Berties as well) which were auctioned by HA. If someone looks them up, LMK since I'm taking off in a bit....cheers
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None of the other dates come nearly as close.
Here's a #1 I used to own: