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My Packers All-Time Roster Autograph Wantlist: 1045/1564 - 519 Players Left!

Hey all, I have decided to attempt to get an autograph of every former Packers who played in at least 1 game for them. Below is my wantlist alphabetically. I am looking for any autographs of the players below, cards, 3x5 Index cards, pieces of paper, cuts, etc. Does not matter if it is on a different teams card/item. I can buy or trade,let me know if you have even 1. Thanks!

Abrams, Nate (1921)
Abramson, George (1925)
Adams, Chet (1943)
Afflis, Dick (1951-54) aka Wrestler Dick the Bruiser
Aldridge, Ben (1953)
Allen, Jake (2009)
Anderson, Aric (1987)
Apsit, Marger (1932)
Arnold, Jahine (1999)
Arthur, Mike (1995-96)
Artmore, Rodney (1999)
Ashmore, Roger (1928-29)
Askson, Bert (1975-77)
Atkins, Steve (1979-81)

Bailey, Byron (1953)
Baker, Frank (1931)
Baker, Roy (1928-29)
Balazs, Frank (1939-41)
Banet, Herb (1937)
Barnes, Emery (1956)
Barrett, Jan (1963)
Barton, Don (1953)
Basing, Myrt (1923-27)
Basinger, Mike (1974)
Beasey, Jack (1924)
Beck, Ken (1959-60)
Becker, Wayland (1936-38)
Bell, Albert (1988)
Bell, Josh (2009)
Bell, Tyrone (1999)
Berezney, Paul (1942-44)
Berrang, Ed (1952)
Berry, Connie (1940)
Berry, Ed (1986)
Bieberstein, Adolph (1926)
Blair, Michael (1998)
Bloodgood, Elbert (1930)
Boerio, Chuck (1952)
Bolden, Juran (1998)
Bolston, Conrad (2007)
Bolton, Scott (1988)
Bone, Warren (1987)
Borak, Fritz (1938)
Borden, Nate (1955-59)
Borgognone, Dirk (1995)
Bowdoin, Jim (1928-31)
Boyarsky, Jerry (1986-89)
Boyd, Greg (1983)
Brackins, Charlie (1955)
Bross, Mal (1927)
Brown, Aaron (1973-74)
Brown, Buddy (1953-56)
Buck, Cub (1921-25)
Buland, Walt (1924)
Bultman, Art (1932-34)
Burgess, Ronnie (1987)
Burnette, Reggie (1991)
Burrow, Jim (1976)
Butler, Frank (1934-36, 38)

Cade, Mossy (1985-86)
Cahoon, Ivan (1926-29)
Caldwell, David (1987)
Capuzzi, Jim (1955-56)
Carey, Joe (1921)
Carlson, Wes (1926)
Carter, Carl (1992)
Carter, Joe (1942)
Carter, Mike (1970)
Carter, Tony (2002)
Casper, Charley (1934)
Cherry, Bill (1986-87)
Cifelli, Gus (1953)
Clanton, Chuck (1985)
Clemens, Cal (1936)
Coleman, Keo (1993)
Collier, Steve (1987)
Collins, Bobby (2001)
Collins, Brett (1992-93)
Combs, Derek (2003)
Compton, Chuck (1987)
Comstock, Rudy (1931-33)
Conway, Dave (1971)
Cook, James (1921)
Cook, Kelly (1987)
Cook, Ted (1948-50)
Corker, John (1988)
Coston, Junius (2005-07)
Coughlin, Frank (1921)
Cox, Ron (1996)
Cronin, Tommy (1922)
Crouse, Ray (1984)
Culver, Al (1932)
Curry, Scott (1999)
Cyre, Hector (1926)

Danjean, Ernie (1957)
Darling, Bernard (1927-31)
Davis, Anthony (1999)
Davis, Paul (1922)
Davis, Ralph (1947-48)
Dawson, Dale (1988)
Dawson, Gib (1953)
Deeks, Don (1948)
Dees, Bob (1952)
DeLuca, Tony (1984)
Dennard, Preston (1985)
Dilweg, Lavvie (1927-34)
Dingle, Antonio (1999)
Dittrich, John (1959)
Dorsett, Matthew (1995)
Dorsey, Dean (1988)
Dowden, Corey (1996)
Drost, Jeff (1987)
Duford, Wilfred (1924)
DuMoe, Bill (1921)
Dunn, Red (1927-31)
Dunningan, Pat (1922)

Earhart, Ralph (1948-49)
Earp, Jug (1922-32)
Eason, Roger (1949)
Elliott, Tony (1987)
Engebretsen, Paul (1934-41)
Engelmann, Wuert (1930-33)
Enright, Rex (1926-27)
Estep, Mike (1987)
Evans, Jack (1929)

Falkenstein, Tony (1943)
Faye, Allen (1922)
Feasel, Greg (1986)
Fitzgerald, Kevin (1987)
Fitzgibbons, Paul (1930-32)
Flinn, Ryan (2005)
Flowers, Bob (1942-49)
Floyd, Bobby Jack (1952)
Fontenot, Therrian (2005)
Ford, Len (1958)
Ford, Trevor (2009)
Franta, Herb (1930)
Franz, Nolan (1986)
Frost, Derrick (2008)
Fuller, Curtis (2003-04)
Fuller, Joe (1991)

Gardella, Gus (1922)
Gardner, Milton (1922-26)
Garrett, Len (1971-73)
Gatewood, Lester (1946-47)
Gavin, Buck (1921, 23)
Gibson, Paul (1972)
Gillus, Willie (1987)
Glass, Leland (1972-73)
Glick, Eddie (1921-22)
Goodman, Les (1973-74)
Graham, Jay (2002)
Grant, David (1993)
Gray, Cecil (1992)
Gray, Jack (1923)
Green, Jessie (1976)
Greenwood, David (1986)
Griffen, Harold (1928)
Gueno, Jim (1976-80)

Haley, Darryl (1988)
Hall, Lamont (1999)
Hall, Mark (1989-90)
Hamilton, Ruffin (1994)
Hanny, Frank (1930)
Hansen, Hal (1923)
Hanson, Chris (1999)
Harden, Derrick (1987)
Harden, Leon (1970)
Hargrove, James (1987)
Harris, Jack (1925-26)
Harris, William (1990)
Harrison, Anthony (1987)
Hartnett, Perry (1987)
Hartwig, Keith (1977)
Hauck, Tim (1991-94)
Hawthorne, Michael (2003-04)
Haycraft, Ken (1930)
Hayes, Chris (1996)
Hayes, Dave (1921-22)
Hayes, Gary (1984-86)
Hayes, Norb (1923)
Hays, George (1953)
Hearden, Les (1924)
Heimburger, Craig (1999)
Hendrian, Dutch (1924)
Henry, Urban (1963)
Highsmith, Don (1973)
Hill, Don (1929)
Hinte, Hal (1942)
Hobbins, Jim (1987)
Hoffman, Gary (1984)
Hope, Charles (1994)
Houston, Bobby (1990)
Howard, Lynn (1921-22)
Howell, John (1938)
Hudson, Bob (1972)
Humphrey, Donnie (1984-86)
Hunt, Mike (1978-80)
Hunter, Tony (1987)
Hutchins, Paul (1993-94)

Ingalls, Bob (1942)

Jackson, Alcender (2002)
Jackson, Chris (2002-03)
Jakes, Van (1989)
Jay, Craig (1987)
Jenison, Ray (1931)
Jennings, Jim (1955
Johnson, Danny
Johnson, Glenn
Johnson, Joe
Johnson, KeShon
Johnson, Marvin
Johnson, Tom
Jones, Bob
Jones, Bruce
Jones, Calvin
Jones, Jamal
Jones, Ron
Jones, Tom
Jordan, Kenneth
Jorgenson, Carl

Kapinos, Jeremy
Katalinas, Leo
Keefe, Emmett
Kekeris, Jim
Kell, Paul
Kercher, Bob
Kern, Bill
Kiesling, Walt
Kilbourne, Warren
Kimball, Bobby
King, David
King, Don
Kitts, Jim
Klaus, Fee
Kliebhan, Adolph
Knutson, Steve
Kopay, Dave
Kotal, Eddie
Kroll, Bob

LaBounty, Matt (1995)
Ladrow, Wally (1921)
Lally, Bob (1976)
Lambeau, Earl "Curly" (1921-29)
Lankas, Jim (1943)
Larson, Bill (1980)
Larson, Fred (1925)
Larson, Kurt (1991)
Lauer, Dutch (1922)
Lawrence, Jim (1939)
Leake, John (2005)
Leaper, Wes (1921, 23)
Lee, Bill (1937-42, 46)
Lee, James (2004)
Leigh, Charlie (1974)
Leiker, Tony (1987)
LeJeune, Walt (1925-26)
Leopold, Bobby (1986)
Lester, Darrell (1936-37)
Lewis, Mark (1985-87)
Lewis, Mike (1980)
Lidberg, Carl (1926, 29-30)
Lollar, Slick (1928)
Loomis, Ace (1951-53)
Losch, Jack (1956)
Lucas, Chad (2005)
Lucky, Bill (1955)
Lyle, Dewey (1922-23)
Lyman, Del (1941)

Maddox, George (1935)
Malancon, Rydell (1987)
Malone, Grover (1921)
Mandeville, Chris (1987-88)
Mansfield, Von (1987)
Marks, Larry (1928)
Marshall, Rich (1965)
Martell, Herman (1921)
Martin, Charles (1984-87)
Martin, Derrick (2009-10)
Mason, Dave (1974)
Mason, Joel (1942-45)
Mason, Larry (1988)
Massey, Carlton (1957-58)
Mataele, Stan (1987)
Mathys, Charlie (1922-26)
Mattos, Harry (1936)
Mayer, Frank (1927)
McAuliffe, Jack (1926)
McBride, Tod (1999-02)
McCrary, Hurdis (1929-33)
McDonald, Dustin (1935)
McGaw, Walter (1926)
McGeary, Clarence (1950)
McGee, Buford (1992)
McGrew, Sylvester (1987)
McHugh, Sean (2004)
McLaughlin, Joe (1979)
McLean, Orlo (1921)
McLeod, Mike (1984-85)
McMath, Herb (1977)
McNally (Blood), Johnny (1929-33, 35-36)
Mendoza, Ruben (1986)
Meyer, Jim (1987)
Midler, Lou (1940)
Mihajlovich, Lou (1954)
Miller, Don (1954)
Miller, John (1960)
Miller, John (1987)
Miller, Paul (1936-38)
Mills, Stan (1922-23)
Minick, Paul (1928-29)
Mitchell, Roland (1991-94
Moffitt, Mike (1986)
Moje, Dick (1951)
Molenda, Bo (1928-32)
Monaco, Ron (1987)
Monnett, Bob (1933-38)
Monroe, Henry (1979)
Moore, Allen (1939)
Moore, Brent (1987)
Moore, Jason (2000)
Moresco, Tim (1977)
Morris, Larry (1987)
Morris, Lee (1987)
Mosley, Russ
Mott, Norm
Mulleneaux, Lee
Murray, Jab

Nadolney, Romanus (1922)
Neal, Frankie (1987)
Nelson, Jim (1998-99)
Nichols, Hamilton (1951)
Niemann, Walter (1922-24)
Nixon, Fred (1980-81)
Norgard, Al (1934)
Norton, Marty (1925)
Nwokorie, Chukie (2003)

O'Connor, Bob (1935)
O'Donnell, Dick (1924-30)
O'Malley, Tom (1950)
O'Neal, Andre (2001)
Oglesby, Alfred (1992)
Ohlgren, Earl (1942)
Oliver, Muhammad (1993)
Owens, Rip (1922)

Pannell, Ernie (1941-42, 45)
Pape, Orrin (1930)
Parker, Freddie (1987)
Parlavecchio, Chet (1983)
Paskett, Keith (1987)
Paulekas, Tony (1936)
Pearson, Lindell (1952)
Perko, Tom (1976)
Perry, Claude (1927-35)
Peterson, Les (1932, 34)
Peterson, Ray (1937)
Pettway, Kenny (2008)
Petway, David (1981)
Ploeger, Kurt (1986)
Pointer, John (1987)
Porter, Joe (2008)
Powers, Sammy (1921)
Purdy, Pid (1926-27)
Purnell, Frank (1957)

Quatse, Jess (1933)

Radick, Ken (1930-31)
Rafferty, Vince (1987)
Randolph, Terry (1977)
Ranspot, Keith (1942)
Redick, Cornelius (1987)
Regnier, Pete (1922)
Renner, Bill (1986-87)
Richard, Gary (1988)
Riddick, Ray (1940-42, 46)
Robbins, Austin (2000)
Robinson, Bill (1952)
Robinson, Charley (1951)
Robinson, Michael (1996)
Robison, Tommy (1987)
Rogers, Nick (2004)
Rose, Al (1932-36)
Roskie, Ken (1948)

Salsbury, Jim (1957-58)
Sample, Chuck (1942, 45)
Sampson, Howard (1978-79)
Sands, Terdell (2003)
Sarafiny, Al (1933)
Satterfield, Brian (1996)
Saunders, Russ (1931)
Scales, Hurles (1975)
Schammel, Francis (1937)
Schmaehl, Art (1921)
Schmidt, George (1952)
Schoemann, Roy (1938)
Schuette, Carl (1950-51)
Schuh, Jeff (1986)
Schultz, Charles (1939-41)
Scott, Patrick (1987-88)
Secord, Joe (1922)
Seeman, George (1940)
Seibold, Champ (1934-38, 40)
Self, Clarence (1952, 54-55)
Shelley, Dexter (1932)
Shield, Joe (1986)
Shirey, Fred (1940)
Shumate, Mark (1985)
Simmons, John (1986)
Simpkins, Maurice (2010)
Simpson, Nate (1977-79)
Simpson, Travis (1987)
Sims, Joe (1992-95)
Skeate, Gil (1927)
Skibinski, Joe (1955-56)
Sleight, Elmer (1930-31)
Smith, Ben (1933)
Smith, Blane (1977)
Smith, Bruce (1945-48)
Smith, Earl (1922)
Smith, Ed (1937)
Smith, Kevin (1996)
Smith, Larry (2003-04)
Smith, Moe (2002)
Smith, Ollie (1976-77)
Smith, Rex (1922)
Smith, Warren (1921)
Smith, Wes (1987)
Snelling, Ken (1945)
Sorenson, Glen (1943-45)
Spriggs, Marcus (2003)
Stachowicz, Ray (1981-82)
Stahlman, Dick (1931-32)
Stansauk, Don (1950-51)
Starch, Ken (1976)
Steele, Ben (2004-05)
Steen, Frank (1939)
Stephenson, Dave (1951-55)
Sterling, John (1987)
Stewart, Steve (1979)
Stonebraker, John (1942)
Sturgeon, Lyle (1937)
Sullivan, Carl (1987)
Summers, Don (1987)
Sutton, Mickey (1989)
Svendsen, Earl (1937, 39)

Taugher, Claude (1922)
Taylor, Kitrick (1992)
Taylor, Lenny (1984)
Taylor, Willie (1978)
Tenner, Bob (1935)
Thibodeaux, Keith (2001)
Thomas, Lavale (1987-88)
Thompson, John (1979-82)
Tinker, Gerald (1975)
Toribio, Anthony (2009)
Truluck, R-Kal (2004)
Turner, Maurice (1985)
Turner, Wylie (1979-80)
Turpin, Miles (1986)
Tuttle, George (1927)
Twedell, Francis (1939)

Uecker, Keith (1984-85, 87-88, 90-91)
Usher, Eddie (1922, 24)

Vanoy, Vernon (1972)
Van Sickle, Clyde (1932-33)
Vant Hull, Fred (1942)
Van Valkenburg, Pete (1974)
Vogds, Evan (1948-49)

Wafer, Carl (1974)
Wagner, Buff (1921)
Wagner, Steve (1976-77)
Walker, Sammy (1993)
Wallace, Calvin (1987)
Walsh, Ward (1972)
Walter, Tyson (2006)
Washington, Chuck (1987)
Watts, Elbert (1986)
Webb, Chuck (1991)
Webber, Dutch (1928)
Webster, Tim (1971)
Weisgerber, Dick (1938-40, 42)
Weishuhn, Clayton (1987)
Wellman, Mike (1979-80)
West, Pat (1948)
Wheeler, Lyle (1921-23)
Whitaker, Bill (1981-82)
White, Chris (2005)
White, Tracy (2006-08)
Whitley, James (2003-04)
Wicks, Bob (1974)
Wilkens, Elmer (1925)
Wilkins, Marcus (2002-03)
Willhite, Kevin (1987)
Williams, A.D. (1959)
Williams, Delvin (1981)
Williams, Kevin (1993)
Williams, Mark (1994)
Williams, Walt (2004-05)
Willig, Matt (1998)
Willis, James (1993-94)
Wilner, Jeff (1994-95)
Wilson, Faye (1930-31)
Wilson, Gene (1947-48)
Wilson, Milt (1921)
Wilson, Ray (1994)
Wishom, Jerron (2005)
Wisne, Jerry (2002)
Witte, Earl (1934)
Wood, Bobby (1940)
Woodin, Whitey (1922-31)
Wunsch, Harry (1934)

Young, Billy (1929)
Young, Paul (1933)

Zendejas, Max (1987-88)
Zeno, Lance (1993)
Zoll, Carl (1921-22)
Zoll, Dick (1939)
Zoll, Martin (1921)
Zuidmulder, Dave (1929-31)
Zuver, Merle (1930)

Looking to upgrade these players to a 3x5 or GB Packers item (program, photo, etc.):
Bucky Brooks
Henry Childs
Russell Copeland
Mark D'Onofrio
Tony Degrate
Jamie Dukes
Biren Ealy
Tom Finnin
Rod Gardner
Rob Holmberg
Kelvin Kight
ReShard Lee
Phil McConkey
Blaine McElmurry
Gene McGuire
Mike Merriweather
Eric Metcalf
Keith Millard
Mike Morton
J.T. O'Sullivan
Ricky Patton
Roell Preston
Dan Ross
Ron Simpkins
T.J. Slaughter
Anthony Smith
Rod Smith
Paul Staroba
Pat Terrell
Charlie Wade
Taco Wallace
Adrian White
Don Zimmerman

My Signed Packers Card Wantlist: (MPC = Multiple Packers Cards)

1935 National Chicle - Clarke Hinkle, Swede Johnston, Ernie Smith
1948 Bowman – Buford “Baby” Ray, Jay Rhodemyre, Larry Olsonoski, Bob Skoglund, Clyde Goodnight, Walt Schlinkman, Bruce Smith
1948 Leaf – Earl “Jug” Girard, “Indian” Jack Jacobs, Ted Fritsch, Clarence Self
1950 Bowman – Al Baldwin, Paul Burris, Larry Coutre, Larry Craig, Billy Grimes, Walt Schlinkman, Tobin Rote, Dick Wildung
1951 Bowman – Earl “Jug” Girard, Billy Grimes
1952 Bowman Large/Small – Joe Spencer, Dom Moselle, Gene Ronzani, Thomas Johnson, John Reichardt
1955 Bowman – William Brown, Len Szafaryn
1959 Topps – Ollie Spencer
1961 Lake to Lake - Any
1987 Topps – Mossy Cade
1988 Topps – Frankie Neal
1991 MPC - Chuck Webb
1992 MPC - Mark D'Onofrio
1992 Upper Deck – Buford McGee
1993 Pro Set – Tim Hauck
1995 Pacific – Joe Sims
1997 MPC - Ron Cox
1998 UD Shopko – Pat Terrell
1999 MPC - Roell Preston
1999 Pacific – Michael Blair, Brian Manning
2004 Leaf R&S – Kelvin Kight
2004 UD Reflections – B.J. Sander
2005 MPC - Michael Hawkins
2007 MPC - Vernand Morency

Police Sets:
1984 - David Dreschler, Eddie Garcia
1986 - Charles Martin
1987 - Tom Neville
1988 - Jerry Boyarsky, Keith Uecker, Max Zendejas

Packers Signed Sets Wantlist:
Super Bowl I 25th Anniversary Set:
Elijah Pitts

Super Bowl II Anniversary Set:
Lionel Aldridge
Bob Brown
Lee Roy Caffey
Bart Starr (2)

1992 Team Hall of Fame Set:
Bart Starr
Jim Taylor
Ron Kostelnik
Lee Roy Caffey
Lionel Aldridge
Elijah Pitts
Bill Forester
Don Hutson
Pete Tinsley
Carl Mulleneaux
Phil Bengtson
Larry Craig
Lon Evans
Bud Svendsen
George Svendsen
William Brault

1997 Playoff Super Bowl XXXI Set:
Ron Cox
Brett Favre (3)
Andre Rison
Wayne Simmons
Reggie White (2)
Travis Jervey/Roderick Mullen Dual (Signed by either one or both)
Calvin Jones/Jeff Thomason Dual (Signed by Jones or both)

2011 Topps SB XLV Set:
Donald Driver
Aaron Rodgers (3 cards)
James Starks
Charles Woodson
Clay Matthews
Tramon Williams
Jordy Nelson/Aaron Rodgers Dual (signed by Rodgers or both)
Greg Jennings/Aaron Rodgers Dual (signed by Rodgers or both)
Aaron Rodgers/Clay Matthews Dual
Huge Packers Fan and Collector - Looking for autographs of Blood McNally, Lavvie Dilweg, Boob Darling, and many others from the 20's/30's.

Also collect 90% silver coins. Always looking for Racine, WI Banknotes.


  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    PM sent. Have Feathers and Isbell
    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • FavreFan1971FavreFan1971 Posts: 3,103 ✭✭✭
    Should have a few of these. Are you sure you don't want 8 x 10's?
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    THAT, my friend, is a life long project. Best of Luck and keep us informed on your progress.


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • Good luck. Sounds like a fun project. Please keep us up to date.
    1911 C55 hockey
    1935 National Chicle
    1961 Golden Press
    1962 Bell Brand Dodgers
    Top 200 cards in the hobby
    Top 250 cards in the hobby
    All time lakers
    All time Dodgers
    1957 Disney Characters
    1965 Donruss Disneyland
    1966 Get Smart
  • please email me at cckccol19@yahoo.com if you still need Jerry Boyarsky's autograph
  • email sent. Thanks for the help everyone!
    Huge Packers Fan and Collector - Looking for autographs of Blood McNally, Lavvie Dilweg, Boob Darling, and many others from the 20's/30's.

    Also collect 90% silver coins. Always looking for Racine, WI Banknotes.
  • xbaggypantsxbaggypants Posts: 2,185 ✭✭✭
    My cousin use to play for the Packers (Bryan Barker), use to send me auto's all the time. Let me see if I can dig them up.
  • Thanks for all the help, up to about 570 different so far. Any more????
    Huge Packers Fan and Collector - Looking for autographs of Blood McNally, Lavvie Dilweg, Boob Darling, and many others from the 20's/30's.

    Also collect 90% silver coins. Always looking for Racine, WI Banknotes.
  • raiderguy10raiderguy10 Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    PM sent. I found another one you need.
    Collect HOF Autos and Anything Raiders.

    "In Al We Trust!"

    Looking for Autos of HOFers Charles Bidwill, Tim Mara, Joe Carr, Fritz Pollard, Guy Chamberlin & Bill Hewitt
  • I was just looking over that list. The 48 Skoglund has got to be the stopper for all sorts of autographed sets. How many could he possibly have signed and if so, how many would still exist? Any?
    Successful dealings with shootybabitt, LarryP, Doctor K, thedutymon, billsgridirongreats, fattymacs, shagrotn77, pclpads, JMDVM, gumbyfan, itzagoner, rexvos, al032184, gregm13, californiacards3, mccardguy1, BigDaddyBowman, bigreddog, bobbyw8469, burke23, detroitfan2, drewsef, jeff8877, markmac, Goldlabels, swartz1, blee1, EarlsWorld, gseaman25, kcballboy, jimrad, leadoff4, weinhold, Mphilking, milbroco, msassin, meteoriteguy, rbeaton and gameusedhoop.
  • ttt
  • im very new to this forum please have patients.dont know if i can send you my email or phone number.packersbacker36 i think i can help you with your packer auto collection. i have 1300 + packers in my collection.i collect one card,sticker ,team issue photo,coke cap,post card ect. of every packer that ever played.not really into autos but i think i can help you.some rare autos i have are TOM HULL, TODD AUER,LOU RASH, GENE BREEN BOOTH LUSTEG,KEVIN BARRY. MAYBE SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL IM DOING.THANKS WAYNE G
  • alifaxwa2alifaxwa2 Posts: 3,104 ✭✭✭


    You will need to activate your PMs. Click Profile at the top of this page, and go down to where it says "Allow Private Messages".
    If you want to send a PM, click the orange lock icon on the right of a person's post.
    Looking to have some custom cuts or plain custom cards built? PM me.


    Check out my Facebook page

  • << <i>im very new to this forum please have patients.dont know if i can send you my email or phone number.packersbacker36 i think i can help you with your packer auto collection. i have 1300 + packers in my collection.i collect one card,sticker ,team issue photo,coke cap,post card ect. of every packer that ever played.not really into autos but i think i can help you.some rare autos i have are TOM HULL, TODD AUER,LOU RASH, GENE BREEN BOOTH LUSTEG,KEVIN BARRY. MAYBE SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL IM DOING.THANKS WAYNE G >>

  • I have updated my wantlist. Haven't been on in a while. I am closing in on the 50% mark. Let me know if you have any players. Thanks
    Huge Packers Fan and Collector - Looking for autographs of Blood McNally, Lavvie Dilweg, Boob Darling, and many others from the 20's/30's.

    Also collect 90% silver coins. Always looking for Racine, WI Banknotes.
  • bump. still looking for any help. paying good money for guys I need. Thanks
    Huge Packers Fan and Collector - Looking for autographs of Blood McNally, Lavvie Dilweg, Boob Darling, and many others from the 20's/30's.

    Also collect 90% silver coins. Always looking for Racine, WI Banknotes.
  • GRGR Posts: 550 ✭✭
    I found a bob Skoglund if you still need him
    Nathan Wagner
  • bump, updated my list big time
    Huge Packers Fan and Collector - Looking for autographs of Blood McNally, Lavvie Dilweg, Boob Darling, and many others from the 20's/30's.

    Also collect 90% silver coins. Always looking for Racine, WI Banknotes.
  • bump, updated
    Huge Packers Fan and Collector - Looking for autographs of Blood McNally, Lavvie Dilweg, Boob Darling, and many others from the 20's/30's.

    Also collect 90% silver coins. Always looking for Racine, WI Banknotes.
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