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1956 Topps Adventure question

Why is this set only listed under the boxing registry (for the boxing singles) and not as a complete set (Gordie Howe card and all the other sports)? Am I missing it somewhere?


  • It's a little hard to find.

    Set Registry - Non-Sports - Company Sets - 1956 Gum Inc. Adventure
  • vladguerrerovladguerrero Posts: 4,077 ✭✭✭
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to acquire a number of the cards from this set. Had them graded and the one's that came back 9's sold for a tidy sum of money, including several over $200. Not sure how they are currently. I thought of trying to complete the entire set but unfortunately bills caused me to sell what I had......Good luck on the set.

  • This set is rediculiously cheap! I just won around 30 auctions for PSA 7 and PSA 8 cards from this set for between $1 and $4 apiece, even won I believe 6 auctions for PSA 9's from the set for $7 - $8 apiece. Looks like PSa 10's are going for around $200 a pop, but every grade under that is cheap, I've started making the set, So far in PSA 7 or better, I have 42/100 cards and I've spend $175 so far. I have 6 PSA 9's, 30 PSA 8's, and 6 PSA 7, all no qualifiers. I highly recommend making this set, and for the price it can't be beaten
  • I noticed that the cards are quite thick, I think that's why they are pretty easy to find in good condition.
    The first few ones and the last 10 or so are very hard to find centered and in high grade though. Easy set to start but very hard to complete in high grade. I'm stuck at 90%.

    Good luck!
  • alnavmanalnavman Posts: 4,129 ✭✭✭
    I agree that a lot of the cards can be found relatively cheap with the exception of the boxers and of course the one that depicts the nazi symbol which I believe was pulled after some got out....don't remember the exact history but that one is harder to find but not impossible.
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭

    << <i>This set is rediculiously cheap! I just won around 30 auctions for PSA 7 and PSA 8 cards from this set for between $1 and $4 apiece, even won I believe 6 auctions for PSA 9's from the set for $7 - $8 apiece. Looks like PSa 10's are going for around $200 a pop, but every grade under that is cheap, I've started making the set, So far in PSA 7 or better, I have 42/100 cards and I've spend $175 so far. I have 6 PSA 9's, 30 PSA 8's, and 6 PSA 7, all no qualifiers. I highly recommend making this set, and for the price it can't be beaten >>

    How did the seller list them? Searching PSA Adventure (which should bring up everything that wasn't a mislist) brings up 1 PSA 9 that went for under $10 (that was a BIN from November), and few PSA 8s under $5 (though I know it's very possible to get PSA 8s for between $5 and $10 - I have a decent lot that I think is awaiting pickup at the P.O. of PSA 8s that cost me about $6 apiece after shipping).

    Reap the whirlwind.

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  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    For anyone working on this set, I just acquired a couple PSA 8s that are FS/FT (nothing wrong with them; they're just duplicates picked up as part of a lot) - #62 and #74. LMK if any interest or for pictures.

    Reap the whirlwind.

    Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
  • Does anyone have more info about these cards? Are they made by Topps? Gum Inc? In the boxing registry they are list as:

    1956 Topps Adventure Boxing

    And in the non-sports registry (all 100) they are listed as:

    1956 Gum Inc. Adventure
  • halosfanhalosfan Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭✭
    My set is complete but I would still like to upgrade 11 cards. Some of them are real tough in 8 or better
    Looking for a Glen Rice Inkredible and Alex Rodriguez cards
  • ReggieClevelandReggieCleveland Posts: 3,818 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pretty sure there was a massive vending find of these cards 5-10 years ago and they've been flowing into PSA ever since. The Schmeling card is more legend than fact now, it seems, as there almost always a handful of them for sale on ebay at any given time. I believe the James Braddock card from this set was the second boxing card I ever bought.
  • According to this box they were issued by "Jaw Teasers Inc" in the US and by "World wide gum Co" in Canada. I am not sure Topps was involved at all?

  • Beck6Beck6 Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭
    Great set! Be prepared to pay for the Schmeling. I love the Rocky Marciano card from the set.
    Registry Sets:
    T222's PSA 1 or better
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